Chapter 17

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The smell of nature engulfs his senses like a refreshing wave of escape from nowadays metropolitan society. Infinite nuances of shades of green splattered across the beautiful landscape. He breathes in the fresh smell of cleanly cut grass that triggers a memory of athletics carnival during his childhood. 

They had driven for over 3 hours, with Rei and Agasa switching turns to drive. Shinichi could've driven, but he technically did not have a license, and Rei decided to ignore that last time he drove to save Shiho. 

Throughout the ride, the detective boys had been singing to the radio and trying  to harmonise with them, but that ended inevitably with painful eardrums. They made things are bit more peaceful by playing games like 'who's more likely to,' and 'two truth one lie'.

Now he and Shiho both stroll slowly towards the campsite while they watch the others ahead of them. 

"You seem particularly entranced by nature," Not that she thought he'd be some sucker for the cities, but people and nature just don't really appear much in the same sentence these days. 

"Well you certainly don't see much of it in the city," he replies, his eyes turning into a hue of sparkling light grey under the sun.

Shiho had never witnessed or realised the different side of the platinum blonde who didn't inundate her with flirty comments every second. It was like he had gone against all her assumptions about him. 

What assumptions? 

Shiho hits herself 

I don't think about him. 

She didn't even realise she was staring at him the entire time. 

"Looks like someone's a bit distracted" he notices her, feeling quite flattered. 

Immediately looking away, she eyes the ground gingerly, looking everywhere but in his direction, "wasn't looking at you stupid," she murmurs.

He smiles, so she has a cute side too.

From the park over at the campsite, Genta shouts at them, "Shi! Rei! Hurry up we gotta set the tents up!" 

"Ok!" He shouts back, holding Shiho's hand and power walking over. 


"Eh!? Are you kidding? You seriously left your earrings on the train?" 

"Shhh be quiet, you're being too loud people can hear us,"

"How did you even manage-"

"Don't ask okay, it was an accident!"


"Shut up!"

"Aren't they meant to be on your ears-"

"Well, yeah, I guess, but they were too heavy so I took them off,"

"Why'd you even wear it then?"

"They were pretty!"

"They were literally two donuts I don't see your point here-"

"You don't understand, ok?"

"I don't need to, you're the only one who likes those earrings,"

"All my friends like it too,"

"Well, y'all have bad taste,"

"...can we go back to get it,"

"Wha- no! Why?"

"Pleaseee, I really liked it and I think I lost at the train station and not on the train,"

"We're literally already here, you're telling me to go back?"



"I'm begging you-"


"I literally helped you last time when you forgot your cap,"

"I- you didn't even help, you didn't even know I lost it until I told you,"

She chuckles lightly ,"whoops,"

"Come on, let's just go, I'll just buy you another one-"

"Okay let's go, by the way I saw this really cute one online it's only a few thousand dollars,"

"A few thousands?!?" he sighs in exasperation, "fine,"

"Thanks!" She jumps in glee, "where's Ran anyways we've been knocking for a while.."

Heiji and Kazuha had been bickering the whole way from Osaka to Tokyo, one could wonder how they manage, but some things just happen without a reason. Heiji and Kazuha are just like two birds that never stop pecking at each other, instead of singing. 

"Heiji! Kazuha!" Ran's familiar voice interrupts them as she immediately goes over to hug Kazuha, discreetly hiding the soaked handkerchief she had clutched on to. 

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now