Chapter 7

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Stuck in her thoughts, she fails to realise a pair of rough hands behind her, choking her neck and the other hand placing a cold metal forehead. Her reaction is delayed as the chains that bounded his wrists rattles against her skin. The faint sound of footsteps nears them, while she hears the overlapped chorus of gasps and screams around them. 

She senses a hairy hand reaching to her mouth and blocking it. Disgust impregnates her while she sees a bunch of officers surrounding them, their guns pointed directly towards the perpetrator, who she suspects is the smuggler Rei was arresting. 

She feels sweat on her arm, only that it wasn't hers.

"Drop your weapons!" the smuggler demands in a plausibly confident manner, despite the constant shaking of his hand which Shiho can feel, "or else this lady will have to pay the price".

Shiho watches as the officers stiffen and ponder on what to do, some of them slowly but reluctantly lowering guns while the others just glare at him menacingly. 

It didn't take her a long time to understand her situation, after years of being in the organization, it's become her second nature to quickly put puzzles pieces together. Just not as quick as detectives like Conan.

Her first instinct was to slap the man in the face for being so close to her but she has learnt to assess the situation instead of acting impulsively.

She can see the officers discussing to each other quietly about what to do as they cast threatening glances at the smuggler. Meanwhile, she can feel him trying to back away from the officers slowly while dragging her with him. And she nearly faints at the foul smell of his armpit below her. 


Why is she always put in these kinds of situations? 

He reaches into his pocket and before Shiho can attack, he places a cloth on her face. 

Darkness engulfs her. 


"Stay right there," he shouts,  pulling Shiho, who was very light compared to him, to the carpark. 

"If anyone decides to do any dirty tricks, then," he motions a cut on Shiho's throat using his gun. 

He backs away to his car which conveniently had the number plate covered up with a piece of cloth that's stuck on. Placing her lightly in the back of the car, he circles around so the officers won't find the chance to shoot him. 

The smuggler keeps on pointing the gun at the officers while they get ready to charge when he starts driving.  


"Yeah, the smuggler's under arrest," 

Rei washes his hands as he informs his boss about their current situation. He closes the bathroom door as his walkie talkie (idk what you call it) vibrates.

"Hang on," he says, muting his phone call. He raises his eyebrows in curiosity. 

"Furuya, the smuggler is on the run, he just drove off in a red car!" an alarmed voice came from it. 

That got Rei's attention. 

"What, weren't you supposed to be supervising him?" he asks, hurrying to the place he caught the criminal.

"Yeah, but he ran off, he also got a lady under hostage,"

"What!" he screams.

Rei pauses for a second.

It can't be her right?

Out of all peo-

"The lady has like strawberry blonde hair and it seemed like she was going to some formal event,"


Dread daunts him as his eyes widen in fear. He stops and drops his walkie talkie. A knot forms in his stomach as a breath hitches in his throat. His facial expression freezes as if he's going through rigor mortis. 

No, no no-no.

A sudden burst of energy reaches him as a guttural language escapes his mouth, cursing that bastard smuggler. He sprints towards the carpark, past innocent shoppers, past his colleagues, past the judgemental gazes. All he wants to do is to save Shiho. 

He enters his car and slams the door shut as he proficiently starts the engine before he drives off at full speed, his car making harsh sounds. 

In the distance, he spots a red car speeding through with a white cloth tied tightly around the car to hide the number plate. 

He purses his lips nervously.

Shiho, wait for me. 

Heyyy sorry these r rlly irregular posts, it's bc I'm rlly busy rn I hv these stupid audtions and assessments periods and just life in general, but dw I will finish the story, it's just gonna take some time :)))

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