Chapter 11

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He stands there speechless for a moment because of Shiho's...look. And as much as he wants to tear his vision away from her, his eyes still linger on her.

She's beautiful.

Shinichi hadn't noticed before how attractive she looks in her real form, he hadn't paid attention, but now it seems her figure has been embedded into his mind.

Rei, standing next to him, has his arms crossed in an observing fashion, lips slightly pursed together.

"Kudo!" Shiho shouts again, wanting an explanation of why he had the antidote.

"Oh sorry," he finally removes his gaze and realises that he is still in his adult form,"I can explain why I'm like this Haib-"

"Kudo, why in the world did you eat the antidote when you know you might get immune to it!" She demands with her eyebrows raised high, not believing the stupidity of the detective.

He rubs the back of his head like he always does when he doesn't know what to say, "uh, I had to, do something," he mumbles.

She places her hands of her hips and rests her eyes accusingly on Shinichi, "it's Ran isn't it," she said in a matter of factly tone, knowing that's the most probable reason.

His stomach drops at the sound of her name and he stays silent for a minute. Shiho, sensing the atmosphere, feels slightly guilty for bringing Ran up.

Something must've happened.

Truth is, after Ran and Shinichi started dating, her unrequited love for him began to fade. After years of her secretly longing for him, she had grown to accept their fate. 

"You know what, I just wanna go home," she brushes off the topic, starting to walk towards Agasa's car, "make the interrogation quick".

Shinichi, who came back to his senses, realises his problem. And instinctively, he prepares mentally for what he's about to say.

"Oh, about that car," he started, "um, it ran out of fuel."

She immediately does a 180 like she knew that was gonna happen beforehand and rests her eyes on Shinichi.

"Of course it did," she perks one eyebrow up in a mocking manner, "I'm not that surprised."

"I can just give you guys a lift," Rei offers in a casual way, walking towards Shiho, hands in his pockets.

A wave of relief washes over her for a second, not because of the lift, but because of his presence - until she remembers why she stormed off.

Of course, she didn't wanna seem petty and be salty at such a small thing, because it's not like there was anything there, it's not like they were dating, but she can't help but feel the need to take a step back so that she won't have anything to do with him. 

"No it's okay, we'll just call a taxi thanks,"

Rei seems taken aback as he raises his eyebrow, feeling slightly disappointed.

"Why take a taxi, if we can just get a ride," Shinchi whispers in her ears and then turning to Rei, "thanks Furuya, we'll take it".

"Nice," he smirks, although there is a little ache in the bottom of his heart, "hop in".


The car ride had been an oasis of awkwardness, the whole trip had been silent, with the exception of the constant tapping of Shinichi's foot, in time to the pop music playing in the car. Rei had been glancing at Shiho through the mirror and she had noticed, and even though every time he looks, her stomach creates little butterflies, she still is not in the happiest mood with him.

Now they have just gotten inside of Agasa's house and they are immediately met by the detective boys who have their presents aligned in an orderly fashion along the carpet.

"Shi! Shini! Rei!" the kids exclaim, excited to see their teenage friends who have been away for a while.

"Hey guys!" they reply almost immediately.

"Do you know where Conan and Haibara went, we haven't seen them all day," Ayumi asks innocently with her high pitched voice. 

They haven't really communicated what they were gonna tell the detective boys. Even though they had individually thought through the scenarios, they're on a lost on what to say them.

They take a worried glance at Agasa before looking at each other.

"Their parents have wanted them back home in America," she states casually, "to go on a vacation".

That excuse had been on the top of her list.

"Yeah and their parents were friends with each other, so they just picked them up together too," Shinichi adds quickly after seeing Mitsuhiko's face unconvinced.

Rei just stands beside them, arms crossed, leaning on the wall, entertaining himself with the scene unfolding in front of him.

This is too amusing.

Genta folds his arms angrily, "but they knew it was our anniversary,"

"And they knew we have camp afterwards," Mitsuhiko adds

Shinichi mentally freaks out for a minute, "it was an emergency,"

They seemed convinced with their excuse, apart from Mitsuhiko who knew something was up. He knows that Conan and Haibara won't leave without notice. 

Something smells fishy.

"Why don't we just invite Shinichi and Shiho to come with us," Agasa suggests, wanting to steer their attention away. 

"Oh yeah!" Ayumi agrees, taking both their hands, "you guys should come with us".

Shinichi and Shiho look at each other with concern.

"Rei should come to," the platinum blonde who was standing near the door the entire time is startled by the sound of his name.

"Yeah," Mitsuhiko agrees with Ayumi, "the more the merrier."

He hesitates for a second, he knows for sure that spending 3 days with kids won't be the most thrilling thing ever. There are definitely better things he can do to pass time. But his eyes shift over to Shiho, and suddenly the idea seemed quite appealing. 

"Sure why not,"

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now