Chapter 2

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, no flipping way.

All she wanted was a peaceful time in Forever 21 where she would try to find some new clothes, but she should've known that she would inevitably end up in a stupid situation.

It's not even the fact that they're there, but the fact that her first encounter with them would be her looking like this, a literal retard. Why couldn't Ran and Sonoko have come any other day, why did they pick today?!

As if on cue, Ran starts turning her head towards Shiho. Her immediate response is to make a run for it, and in just a matter of seconds, she finds herself in the narrow room of the store. The spacial mass is less than adequate, and she is certain that she can hear the faint shuffling of little bugs behind her.

But on the bright side, she is pretty sure that no one can find or see her that easily because the space is enclosed.

A nervous sigh escaped her lips.  

She would die internally if anyone she knew saw her in such, attire, even if she was in her adult form.

Shiho hears the shuffling again, this time it was louder and she can hear the huffing of breath. She makes a sharp turn and is faced with a certain someone's signature platinum blonde hair.

Rei Furuya, better known as, Bourbon.

Gosh, you've got to be kidding me.

He is seated on an old fashioned wooden chair with his arms stretched along the top rail of it. Panting heavily, he wipes the sweat off his forehead while his hair still somehow looks miraculously flawless. The spy seems to be aware of her presence, but too worn out to comment on it. His black tuxedo - which was a little too tight for Shiho's liking - is slightly drenched with his sweat and his grey eyes linger on Shiho's, making her heart flutter a bit.

She'd known him before, back in the organization, and she had heard his name a few times from Conan's mouth, but she'd never faced him in person. He has the face of a Casanova. And she can't help but admit that he is indeed pretty decent-looking, and she is quick to note that he looks ridiculously hot in his current...state.

After what seemed like an eternity of silence and Rei's heavy breathing, he speaks up.

"Like what you see?" he teases, lips curling into a beguiling smile.

Her lips widen a bit, to say that she is taken aback is an understatement, she did not expect a comment like that.

"Like what?" she replies with confidence that kind of shocks herself too, "I don't see much".

Rei did not think she would respond with that, most girls would just swoon and shy away,  but she has the audacity to lower his self esteem "I suppose this tux does cover up my good bits doesn't it?" he lowers his eyes and gaze flirtatiously at Shiho.

"Don't be too full of yourself Prince Charming, no one likes an arrogant dude,"

He chuckles slightly and Shiho notices the deepness in his voice that low-key surprised her, but she must confess, it created a little hitch in her heart that she wishes it didn't.

"Rei Furuya," he holds out his hand, "as you may already know,"

"Yes, Shiho Miyano,"

Wait, why is she still talking to him? She would usually just walk away, but something about him, is just, different. Something she can't put a finger on. A part of her is regretting coming in this small room at all but the other part is telling her otherwise.

And plus if she goes now, she's gonna have to face Ran and Sonoko.

A second of silence envelopes between them, and Shiho takes advantage of it and starts walking towards the door.

The platinum blonde seems shocked to see that she's leaving, "wait, where are you going?"

"What do you mean," she questions indifferently, making Rei slightly pissed, "I'm going back to what I was doing before,"

"So you're not curious by the fact that you just walked in on a man wearing a tuxedo, looking like he's having an asthma attack?" his voice filled with disbelief, "you're not gonna at least ask me?"

"Someone's desperate for attention," she comments, as she halts herself from pushing down the rusty door handle, smirking sarcastically at him in a way that makes Rei feel sheepish for the first time in his life, "well, knowing that the man is part of the National Police Agency and has worked as a spy, I can probably piece together the information".

"Oh really," he smirks, crossing his arms around his chest, "let's see what you've gathered then,"

"I mean it's not that hard, you're a spy, you were probably in the middle of a mission, that's it." she quickly deduces in a matter-of-factly tone, "no need for extra information".

"Not bad," he remarked, rather mockingly.

"Well I'm sorry my deduction's not detailed enough for you, but it doesn't take an idiot to figure out why you're here."

"True," he shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, "I just wanted for you to stay here with me for a little longer."

She could've sworn that her butterflies nearly flew out of her because she feels the heat coming on. "Okay Mister Casanova, I'm just gonna let you know now, you're not going to treat me like one of those girls you flirt with for a day and then leave and forget, I'm not them," she states clearly, "I have better things to do".

"Don't worry m'lady, you're not gonna be one of the girls I flirt with for a day, you're gonna be one of the girls I flirt with more than a day," he winks in a playful manner, "and I know you're the only girl on that list,"

"Ok you know what, we only just met but whatever I'm gonna go now," she walks back to the door, inwardly questioning how he comes up with these smart and teasing comments and how he can be so comfortable with a stranger.


She sighs but kinda still wanting to talk to him for a bit longer, "what now,"

"Actually, can you do a little favour for me?"

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now