Chapter 1

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I look ridiculous

Shiho stares disbelievingly at herself in the mirror with sheer frustration as she curses herself silently. She furrows her eyebrows in response to her uncomfortable predicament, fiddling continuously at the hem of her skirt with a disgusted face. 

The strawberry blonde stands displeasingly in front of the mirror in the toilet, studying her unfashionable reflection. Having been the stylish person she has always been, it came to her as a shock that she would ever, in her life, dress in such a preposterous manner. 

Oversized blue shirt on oversized red pants.


I look like a flippin' clown.

A soft groan escapes her mouth as she accepts her fate, completely ignoring her beeping phone that's notifying the many texts from Conan, asking for the antidote she had just created. Long story. 

She had decided to buy presents for the detective boys - because it's their 'anniversary' this afternoon and everyone had to get a gift for each other. After all, it's one of the little commitments you have to partake in if you're in a group filled with 10-year-old kids. Not surprisingly, she had forgotten about the anniversary until Professor reminded her this morning, after she had taken the test antidote that was meant to last for half an hour -

- after 6 hours, she's still an adult. 

Fortunate or not, she doesn't know. Because the antidote might be permanent, but it might not. Either way there would be problems.

But what she does know is that there's going to be a camp after the anniversary and she is going to have to come up with a plan on why Haibara suddenly disappeared.

To make matters worse, she did not have any adult clothes at home and the only near adequate one is Agasa's blue shirt and red pants.

Curse my life.

Now she's at the mall, with the foolish-looking outfit on and still getting used to her normal size.


She exits the bathroom and makes her way towards the toy shop to get the detective boys' gifts. Frankly, it was not in her nature to even celebrate anniversaries, let alone buy presents for people. But she's gotta do what she's gotta do. 

Upon entering, she's immediately inundated with the warmth of the shop and the smell of wooden toys. Shiho continued to look for a good gift for the detective boys', and a pink butterfly necklace suddenly caught her attention. 

Wouldn't this be a great gift for Ayumi?

It came with a pink rose bracelet along with a pair of clip-on earrings. She knew Ayumi always wanted earrings but her ears aren't pierced, so this would be perfect. 

After an hour of extreme decision making, she had decided on the pink jewellery set for Ayumi. A mystery-solving flashcard set that came with a magnifying glass and Sherlock Holmes hat for Mitsuhiko so that he can improve his detective skills. And a book about healthy eating for Genta so he'll change his eating habits. But she doubts that he would read it so she also bought a voucher for the eel rice store.

Pretty ironic isn't it.

Her gaze shifts to the leaded window with stain glass flower and geometric patterns. Outside, was a torrential downpour, with thick grey clouds blanketed upon the city. Vast amounts of rain blur the window, as glaring streaks of white descends from the sky with an ear-piercing rumble.


And for a second she felt a shiver travel down her spine, and hitch her breath. She has always had a disliking, as she would put it, for lightning and thunder. The sound startled her and the thought of having a forceful electric current strike you is enough for her to feel light-headed. 

Of course, no one shall ever know this humiliating fear of hers.

Just as she started to contemplate about Conan's gift, she felt an annoying sensation in her pocket. She gingerly fumbled for her phone purple case on it.

I swear to god if this is Kudo wanting that stupid anti-

She glanced at the name on the screen for a mere second before picking up.

"Professor, is something wrong?" Shiho's eyebrows furrow since he doesn't normally call her.

There was a pause before he replied, "Ai, I'm afraid you're going to have to stay in the mall for a bit longer, " he starts, rather sympathetically, "at least until the rain stops,"

"But I don't see the problem if I just walk-" then the thought hit her. If it's raining, that means she can't walk home, the nearest train station is a 10 minutes walk from here, and bus services are currently down because they're upgrading them. 

And she is not taking any chances of walking in the rain.

"Wait, can't you pick me up?" she asks in disbelief, hoping desperately that she won't have to stay in the mall.

"Well, I would, but I sent it to the car service centre because we have the camp tomorrow," he explains, and she could faintly hear the sound of the smoke detectors.

"This day cannot get any worse," she mumbled, slapping her hand on her forehead. 

"Anyways, gotta go now Ai, otherwise Shinichi's gonna burn the kitchen, bye," 

She chuckles a bit before sighing, "k bye, see you later," 

I need to go buy an actual outfit.

A/N: Ok, I'm going to explain myself , coai is still my ultimate ship, but I want to write sth different, (since I have no idea what to write for another coai fanfic) and I also ship Rei x Shiho, even though we haven't seen much scenes with them together, but I think they would be a good couple. Constructive criticism welcome. Also, some chapters are going to be boring because I'm like setting the scene. 

Once again, the characters are VERY OOC, and the start of the story is quite bad, but it'll get better, hopefully.

Slight shinshi, SLIGHT.

btw I'm not sure where this story is going yet, just putting that out there haha :))


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