Chapter 10

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From what Shinichi has gathered after hastily talking to a frustrated Hyoue Kuroda, (who had been assigned as the head of the NPA), Rei was leading this arrest and he should be on the smuggler's trail right now. So he's on the lookout for a white car.

He wonders if Rei had recognised Shiho, after all, it's been quite some time since the taking down of the organization. But they never had any real conversations, as far as he's concerned.

Wait, was she with Rei? How did she get involved in this, it was meant to be a simple arrest.

In the corner of his eyes, he spots the mall which Shiho had been in this morning and it hits him that he is still in his adult form, with it, brings along palpable thought of Ran. His heart still holding on to the little string of hope that she will come back.

But he knows that hope wouldn't change reality.

His eyes are glued on the road ahead of him, impulsively searching for a white car behind a red car.

Judging by Rei's personality, he would not stay very close behind the criminal, but close enough for him to keep an eye on him. He also deduces that the number plate on the smuggler's car won't be visible, so he would've concealed it in some way because if it's not concealed, the police would've already used the number to track him down.

He smirked, he can't go far with a concealed number plate, it's too suspicious.

Shinichi eyes float to the fuel amount of the car and he nearly gets a heart attack when he sees that it's less than a quarter.

Agasa forgot to fill up the car!

This limits his time, he needs to get to her before the fuel runs out.


So close...

So close

Rei fights the dangerous urge to slam his acceleration pedal and go full speed into that piece of shit.

If only Shiho weren't in that car...

Remain calm, Rei.

This isn't like you.

He breathes in deeply and wonders what he should do.

He could chase up to the car, but the person is only going to speed up even more, and there will be no way of getting Shiho if he does it like that.

He could surround them with other police cars with guns and tell him to stop, but currently, he's the only one here, and he doesn't know where all the other bastards are. He assumes that they're not far behind though, so he takes out his walkie talkie, eyes still on the road.

"Hey, where are you guys, we need to surround him," he orders, his foot ready to slam down on the accelerating pedal.

"Right behind you don't worry," a voice came through the speakers, "also, Kudo Shinichi is beside us, he'd somehow found out about this and is insisting to be part of this mission."

Kudo Shinichi...

Perhaps it's the antidote.

"What do you mean,"

"He's literally beside our car, yelling from inside his car, he's also telling us to pick the speed up, apparently he doesn't have much fuel left,"

An unsettling feeling circle around him as a heavy weight of concern gradually sinks down on him. This is now more than just purely rescuing Shiho.

Shiho was probably the one who informed him of her situation.

And now, of course, Kudo is being the hero he is, coming to save the day.

To save Shiho.

A boiling colour of green sets in him, as his lips curl into a determined smirk.

Oh, it's on.


She can feel the car slowing down.



Her stomach churns, twisting into a tight knot, and she can feel the beads of sweat forming along her forehead along with the heat already pervading her.

The car comes to a stop and the driver quickly unbuckles his seatbelt, his other hand reaching for the knife in the cupholder.

Oh no

She feels her breath hitch in her throat with the sound of her beating heart in her head, pounding continuously. Shiho counts every step he takes as the sound of it becomes more prominent, closer and closer to her.

She breathes deeply, let's do this.

The backdoor opens and she sees a thin line of light glimmering into the inky darkness of the car, her eyes adjusting quickly to the sudden change.

Having done enough waiting, Shiho decides to put matters into her own hands.

Lifting her body up, she kicks towards the man's direction, catching him off guard. Her mind ignores the stabbing pain in her back and the sudden loss of vision as a result of her sudden movement.

Being in the organization has taught her basic rules of a criminal, knowing how to fight.

And as much as she hates fighting and physical stress on her body, she is glad that it comes in useful at this moment.

She bites the man's arm fearlessly before kicking him in the stomach, and the piercing sound of his scream echoes in her ear as she tackles him skilfully to the ground.

It went by in a few swift seconds before Shiho realises the change in the situation, and in her peripheral vision, she can a number of police officers rushing over.

They must be surprised since they didn't think that she would have enough courage to attack him.

Well, they really shouldn't underestimate a girl who came from a syndicate.

And quite frankly, Shiho's satisfied at seeing the officers shocked faces at a girl who saved herself.

And that's when she realises that she was still in that attire.

Yeah, she forgot about that part.

Fortunately, (thank god) her dress still seemed to remain the same, she didn't think the hem went up while she was tackling him because it was too long to.

"Miss, are you okay?"

She turns around and spots a handsome young man, who she suspects as one of the officers, walking up to her.

"Yeah I'm fine," she replies, brushing him off.

"That was some fine skills right there," he comments, rubbing the back of his head, "especially in what you are wearing,"

She nods cautiously, not sure in where he's going in this conversation.

Rei suddenly appears and pushes the officer in a nonchalant way and rushes to Shiho

"Are you okay, I was so worried about you,"

"I don't need your concern," Shiho replies in an indifferent tone, still pissed at what he did earlier, "go save another damsel in distress,"

She leaves him with an unfamiliar but horrible feeling he had never felt before. It's like she just choked the energy and emotions out of him to the extent that he feels nothing left in him. And it was the first time that he saw himself as a powerless wreck next to a person.

No woman has done that to him before.

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now