Chapter 24

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"Is it this way,"


"You sure?"



"Wait, is that them,"

"I can't see,"

"You see Ayumi's pink hat,"

"Oh my god finally, took us way to long,"

By the time they'd realised, the kids had already came running to them, mostly for the fact they don't have to walk for any longer because they can just camp here.

"Where did you guys disappear to!" They all asked at the once, Shinichi and Agasa followed closely behind, relieved that they had finally returned.

"We got lost during that wind," Shiho replies, suddenly interrupted by Rei's cell phone.

"Oh, it's got signal," he comments, before walking down towards the bush "excuse me for a minute". 

Rei turns away from them and starts whispering rather suspiciously through the phone. Shiho glances at him for a second before turning away. She had a bad feeling. 


They had found a nice grassy spot close to the trail where they can set down the tents and ready themselves for the night. 

They had also set up a volleyball net for some physical activities before dinner, Shiho had been rather reluctant to play, offering to sub off every time there's an uneven number. 

"Oi, what's up with you"

"Nothing, just tired, carry on with the game," 

Shinichi had subbed off with her after he noticed that something was a bit off about Shiho. 

"Dude I've known you for years," he sits down next to her, "I know when shit happens".

"I am sorry to burst your bubble detective, but nothing happened, I need a rest,"

He raises his eyebrow before smirking teasingly, "Ah, I see what's happening here," his voice dripped with mockery, "someone doesn't know how to play volleyball".

She slaps him hard on the elbow. 

"Ow what was that for?!" 

"I do know how to play!" she insists, hissing at him, "it just hurts when the ball bounces of my wrist".

That was only partly the reason though. Shiho had been worrying, rather, thinking more about Rei, he had been on the phone for a long time and hadn't come out of his tent since. The lack of his presence, seemed like it brought her spirit down too for some reason. 

"Oh my god that's cause you are playing it wrong, it's not meant to hurt". 

He goes on a full lecture about how the hand should be held when coming in contact with the ball, and frankly, she lost track halfway when he suddenly rambled on about the medical science behind it. As much as she appreciates science and is a scientist herself, she can't help but realise why people choose to drop out from it in high school. 

"You get that?" 

"Yeah, I got the hand part," she says with a bit of uncertainty, "you kinda lost me at the science bit though," 

"You know what," he gets up, grabbing the spare ball from the basket, "we'll do some practise,"

"Kudo I-"

"Too bad, we're going,"

Shinichi walks over to shady area under a tree and gestures for Shiho to come, "you have to position your fist like so..."

She holds the ball and he stands behind her and guides her hand through the motion, "like that,"

"I see," 

In the corner of her eyes, she sees a streak of blonde nearing them. At first she thought it was another person or family who had just come to the campsite, which she found rather uncomfortable because the space wasn't too big for two families to be together. But that thought stayed in the back of her head until she hears that familiar voice.

"Need help?" Rei came with his hands in his pockets casually, and it almost seemed like nothing had happened, that he didn't just get off the phone which some sketchy person, which Shiho was going to question him later about. 

"Nah mate I got this-" Shinichi starts but Rei's toned arms was already rested next to hers, and suddenly, her worry and concerns, that was mainly revolved around him, seemed to be lifted off her shoulders. 

"Remember always try to stand side on, never head on-" he pretends to block our Shinichi's protests. 

"Yes I was just about to say that-"

"Hold the ball like this," 

"Furuya, I got this,"

And somehow suddenly, she was in between two males trying to guide both her hands with the volleyball. 

Just why do I get into situations like this?

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now