Chapter 15

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Shinichi had found it rather odd that Shiho and Rei were hanging out together, he was meant to ask Shiho about it but he didn't find a good chance. Even when she got involved in that case, somehow Rei was behind it. Something about their sudden intimacy probed him in the wrong way, like an unsetting feeling that he can't get rid of. 

Although he tries to act unaffected, it surely was not helping him regain his composure after Ran dumping him. It wasn't pain, it wasn't numb, nor was it a straining sensation, but just a mere discomfort, a nagging feeling that annoyed him more than it hurt him. 

Deciding to brush the thought off, he walks out of the bathroom after washing his hands and returns to the dining table. 

"Wow Shi! This is so good!!" Ayumi exclaims, grabbing another piece of the delicious salmon roll as Shinichi sits himself next to Shiho, who was seated next to Rei. 

"I agree," Genta concurs through the plentiful amount of rice and fish stuffed in his mouth.

Mitsuhiko takes a bite, "this is exactly like Haibara's sushi rolls!" he comments, suddenly feeling down at the absence of his crush. 

Shiho laughs nervously, "yeah, I was the one who taught her,"

"Well you are both great cooks," Rei teasingly remarks, winking at her before a shade of red came crawling back to her face.

Agasa holds up the bottle of soy sauce to his face and shakes it, or what's left of it, "I could've sworn I bought a bottle of soy sauce just yesterday".

The teens (plus Rei) glance at each other knowingly, trying not to burst out laughing, while Agasa looks over suspiciously at them, but decides not to question it. Feeling slightly guilty, Shiho gets up to go look for another bottle of soy sauce in the kitchen.

"I'm gonna check if there's any in the cupboard," she stands up, "I'll be right back".

"Ok, thanks Ai-Shiho," the clumsy professor stutters, earning him a warning stare from Shinichi.

While the strawberry blonde is gone, the kids continue feasting on the flavourful rolls, Rei constantly eyeing over to Shiho.

Shinichi looks over to the kids, his eyebrows furrowing in scepticism after seeing them whisper and giggle at each other hushed breath.

Oh no, this can't be good.

He resolves back to eating dinner peacefully because he does not want any part in whatever they are talking about. 

"Rei," Ayumi calls for his attention, "are you and Shi dating?" she asks innocently.

Both Shinichi and Rei nearly choke on their food before regaining their facade. 

Chuckling uneasily because of the little piece of fish stuck in his throat, he replies "unfortunately, no" he admits, looking over to her once again, "not yet".

Shinichi was amazed at his confident and easy-going tone, especially after he choked on his food, if he was the one faced with this question, he would've been tongue tied. 

"You guys looked like you were really close," Genta points out simply, causing a look of disapproval from Shinichi. 

"Really?" Mitsuhiko chimes in, looking at Shinichi, "I thought Shi and Shinichi was dating".

They choke on their food again. 

"Haha no we are not," but the thought of it brought a slight blush to his cheeks. 

"Wait but I thought Shinichi was with Ran," Ayumi continues. 

"But Shinichi and Shi is cute too,"

"No Rei and Shi is cuter,"

"No, Shinichi and Shi-"

"No Rei and Shi-"



While the whole argument is going on, Agasa just sits quietly, minding his own business and savouring the sushi, not wanting to get involved in this conversation and this- teen gossip stuff or whatever it is. 

"Professor, what do you think?"


"Why don't we just get back to eating you know," he starts, poking the rolls with his chopsticks, "this sushi's not going to eat it itself-"

"No as in which one's better, Shi and Rei or Shi and Shinichi?"

At this second, Shiho walks back in with another bottle of soy sauce, "hey, there's a lot of extra condiments in the second shelf over there".

Unbeknownst to her, she had been the centre of the conversation for the past few minutes. 

"Shi!" Ayumi exclaims, motioning her to sit down, "do you like Rei?"

She is taken aback for a second because of the question, her stomach flipping a bit before she wonders what on earth they were talking about while she was away. But then she decides that this is the perfect chance to get Rei back from all the teasing he's done. 

"Yeah, of course, how could I not?" she replies with a relaxed demeanour, which was way to casual for Shinchi's liking, purposefully sitting down so that her knees touched Rei's. She felt him jump a bit in surprise.

A little squeal escapes the little girl's mouth, "really?! Rei was also looking at you the entire time!!"

Shiho glances over to him, with his mouth wide agape, "oh really now?" her signature smirk appearing. 

Ayumi really just exposed me like that. Thought Rei

Rei mentally makes sure to remember this moment so next time he can get the little girl back. 

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now