Chapter 9

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She stares at the rough red marks, dented by the ropes that were bound upon her wrists. Small pantings of breath escape her mouth as she tries to hide any sound so that the man won't hear  her. 

Shiho tries to control her breathing while she contemplates on how to get out. She traces her fingertips along the back door.

Not a good chance it will open.

She brings her vision to the driver.

Too dangerous to knock him out. The car will go out of control.

Slumping back down, she tries to think of ideas that'll get her out of here. It's not like she can trick him into anything because she doesn't know if he has a gun. 

Things aren't looking too good for her. The car is only getting stuffier and stuffier, making her feel more claustrophobic than she already is. Her body is in a rigid position and she knows that the aches will start creeping in. 

A dangerous sound rings beneath her, a faint blue light in her side pockets. Realisation and terror strike her at once.

Her phone. 

Panic echos through her, as she feels her stomach drop. 

She bites her lips and stays as still as she possibly can, after hearing the sharp gasp coming out from the smuggler's mouth. Swiftly, she mutes the phone.

Shiho can feel his alarmed eyes examining her. As far as she's concerned, he won't be able to see the ropes from his angle. 

The man lets out a sigh of relief as he focuses back on the road, but she can still feel the tension from him. 

She's not completely out of the woods. 

She decides to wait for a few minutes before fishing out her phone that she could've used much earlier to safe herself. 

Shiho could hear regular squeals from the front seat, meaning that he probably is checking on her to see if she's actually still unconscious.

After quickly turning the brightness and the volume down, she faces the dozen notifications from Conan. 

Where r u?

Why aren't you picking up?




Slamming down the acceleration pedal, Shinichi speeds through the narrow streets before hitting highway, Agasa's poor car making continuous whining sound in response to the sudden increase in speed. 

Adrenaline pumps through his veins as panic piles up within him. His forehead is a stream of sweat, cold against his skin because of the A/C. 

His body is in a not so comfortable position but he fears that one movement, one second of wasted time, will cost him much more.

Shiho had reassured him that it was not a big deal and that the police were catching up to them. 

But he can't be too sure.

She had given him clues about where she's heading, and he Shinichi can only pray that his deductions will lead him to the right place. 

He doesn't even know why he's reacting so heavily to it, it's as if it was the Black organisation who captured her even when she knew it wasn't.

The detective has done many rescues before, in all of them, he had remained in a calm and controlled state of mind. (except for one the b.o's are involved)

But right now, he feels like his mind is in chaos, thoughts overlapping one another so much that he can't even think properly. Until he gets to Shiho. 

It's almost as if she is suddenly a more important aspect of his life.

What is going on?


The red car is in his sights, the tires regularly making contact with the side of the kerb as if a drunken man is driving the car. It uneasily, but quickly makes a turn for the right as Rei fights the urge to jump out of his car and punch that jackass in the face. 

But he knows, Shiho's safety is the first priority. He can't risk for anything to happen to her. 


He has to keep an adequate distance from the car, enough so the smuggler won't notice him, but not too much for him to lose the car. 

Anxiety and anger are slowly engulfing him at the same time. His heart beating so loud and fast in his ears that he was sure someone could hear it. And despite his constant reassurance, he can't help picturing the worst outcome that wouldn't even seem plausible if he had taken a second thought. 

If anything happens to Shiho, that jerk better pay for it. 

He didn't have time to think, to delve further into questions. All he knew was that he needs to watch the red car and wait for the right moment. 

Rei doesn't even know what he meant by the right moment. He can't think straight. His peripheral vision had seemed to betray him as his eyes only focused on the glaring red object racing ahead of him. Everything around it is covered by haze and fogged by his emotions. 

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now