Chapter 34

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Finally, the day Shiho dreaded, has arrived. 

She had went to the mall the other day in hopes to find something that wasn't too revealing, but still pretty, something her style. To her luck, she found a beautiful red dress that matched her perfectly. 

But what bothered her most wasn't the fact that there was less than 2 hours to the party.

'Pretend like it never happened.'

Pretend like what never happened?


His words had lingered in her head ever since then. And she wanted an explanation. 

It was way too abrupt for it to be true, right? He can't have actually meant it right? She convinced herself that he was too emotional in the moment that he blurted it out.

What the hell? Who says that and walks away? Who acts so friendly and then just tell me that it never happened? 

But it's not like I care, I don't care, I literally don't. 

She will never properly admit that she was bothered by her absence, she obviously is, but she had found the same feeling of disappointment whenever she glanced at her phone in hopes that there will be a notification from 'Rei', only to find a miscellany of other useless alerts like daily news and spotify music that frankly, she can't care less about. 

It's not that he was obliged to stay in touch with her. They were never anything more than - whatever they were. 

Honestly, I don't care, I'm just living my own life right now.

Yet she still steals one last hopeful stare at her phone. Still nothing. 

He better be there tonight, I deserve an apology. 

Otherwise she'd be stuck having to all the socialising herself. He was the one who wanted to go in the first place. 

Kudo is going with her to the party because Heiji had invited him, even though they both knew that Ran was gonna be there. She thought it'd be a good opportunity for them to talk it out but for some weird reason, Kudo just didn't seem to be too thrilled on that idea. 

"Oi it's time to get ready," Kudo, who walked from his mansion over to Agasa's house yells from downstairs.

She pulls her dress from her clothing racks, admiring the little sparkles "you could've just called me,"

"Phone ran out of battery," and with that he closes the front door once again and walks back to his house to change. 

She heads to her vanity and gets out her makeup set she'd bought last time she went shopping, it was hard for her to find a good working eye liner that won't smudge or turn flaky. But then again she didn't need one that'll work that well anyways, she was only putting on light makeup, so she's just planning to draw a thin line and that was it. 

Shiho looks at her foundation and concealer for a few seconds before throwing them to the side, she didn't really need foundation because she knew her skin would break out. Which is ironic cause foundation is meant to cover pimples, not cause them. 


If Kudo had a dime for every second he stood there mouth agape gawking like a fish, he would be a millionaire. 

Who even was the lady walking through the doors with the crisp sound of high heels echoing in the house?

He was definitely exaggerating, but for some reason he couldn't control his the sudden struck that hit him like lightning, paralysing him in a complete trance. 

Shiho walked out in a silhouette of red, his heart hitching with every step she took closer to him. Delicate patterns of red lace embroidered along the hems that floated lightly above her knees. A trail of the fresh fragrance of floral, most likely rose, scatters around her path. The off shoulders sleeves revealed her straightly horizontal collarbone and neckline, a golden necklace sprinkled the outfit with flavour. 

He had noticed she'd put on bit of makeup on, and had taken special note of her rosy red lips...

Snap out of it, snap out.

"Shocked aren't we detective?" she teases jokingly, her hair put in a simple ponytail with bits curled in front, looking at Kudo with his signature navy blue pants and cleanly collared white shirt tucked in. 

He stutters nervously at the heat creeping up to his face, not her making another sarcastic comment, leaving him with no clue what to say next. Compliment, tease back, ignore? 

Compliment seemed like the best choice.

"you clean up nice". 

She's a bit taken aback with his sudden compliment, and doubted it for a moment because it was the first time she heard him compliment her. Kudo Shinichi? Saying something nice?? That was something new. Also along with the fact that she personally thought she kind of resembled an apple, but hopefully other people don't think that way.

But nonetheless her confidence rises back up, "thanks".

Her phone beeps and she immediately fishes for it in hopes that it would be Rei's text, only to find out that it was an advertisement from Apple. 

Why am I disappointed?


Upon arrival to the party, they are greeted by Heiji, Ran and Kazuha, except Ran and Shinichi purposefully avoids each other the whole time until Shiho is brought away by Ran and Kazuha and Shinichi by Heiji. 

The place was filled with people, dressed in all colours of the rainbow adorned with jewelles too expensive for most to even think about. It was definitely a formal party, with old fashioned chandeliers hung up on the high ceiling and circular designs that resembled 18th century ballrooms. Wooden furniture furnished with fine touches of gold polished on the surface, carved on the edges were Roman numerals that were too complicated for Shiho to decipher. 

Light classical musical played softly in the background like an air of serenity of composure and peace, low-key creating pride and prejudice vibes, which Shiho did not complain about. 

She looks out the window decorated with clear silk curtains tied on the sides. The sky is fading into a golden spill, rays of honey poured across shades of blue, like a picturesque painting of plain colours. Grasslands danced with the wind, completely in sync, an unplanned choreography crafted by nature. 

Yet that figure is no where to be seen, not here, not outside. Amongst the crowd of people, her search for the hint of platinum blonde and that annoyingly irresistible smirk was fruitless. In the many faces in the room, his was not one of them. 

And it occurred to her, that he might've meant what he had said. 

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now