Chapter 20

616 20 8

The night had set upon them as the darkness beckoned the miscellaneous insects and creatures out of its nocturnal slumber. Poorly illuminated light shone narrowly down each pole, creating the sparse windows of brightness. They could only rely on the burning campfire crackling along with their laughter, ambers escaping regularly and retreating to a place of darkness.

"Ok who wants to hear a scary story," Genta says after finishing his last piece of fish cooked from the campfire and seasoned with Agasa's special ingredient. 

"Dude your stories are all trash," Mitsuhiko states, earning him a glare from Genta, "literally they are all about some girl in a taxi and then her disappearing midway".

Everyone laughs except for Genta, "bro it's pretty scary tho, and I haven't told everyone".

"Genta even I don't think it's that scary," Ayumi chirps in, giggling, "give it a rest".

He lowers his eyelids before folding his arms in a childish manner, "fine then".

"Hohohoho" professor chuckled, "don't do the poor kid like that, what is the story Genta".

"I don't feel like telling it anymore," he mumbles, sulking in the corner like a little kid. 

"Ooo, I know what we should do, let's play hide and seek" Ayumi suggests excitedly, "everyone needs to play".

"Come on Ayumi," Shinichi whines, "we're nearly 20 year olds and hide and seeks are for childrens".

Ayumi pouts, "but it'll be funn,"

"Yeah Kudo, it'll be fun," Shiho mocks, standing up, "who's seeking".

Agasa chuckles, "I'll just sit out for this one,"

"Same here," Rei says, he's a near 30 old man who has a stack of guns in his apartment he does not feel suited to play hide n sick with a bunch of kids.

"Please," the kids implore in unison, making good use of their puppy eyes. 

It took a bit of convincing for the two to finally join their game of hide and seek, but they weren't too keen. And of course Rei got chose to be the seeker, but it was fine after they voted Shiho to be a seeker too. 

"Wouldn't you call in fate m'lady," 

"I told you not to call me that," she hisses under hushed tones, waiting for the others to go hide, "we gotta count to 20,"

It got darker and darker as they walked further and further out from the campfire, the faint crunch of leaves accompanying them with every step they took. Their hands frequently brushing against each others in a rhyimtic dynamic. 

"Did you know," Rei starts was they walk down the path, hoping to see some sign of movement, despite them not caring much if they don't find anyone, "it takes men 7 seconds to fall in love".

Although her heart skipped a beat at the word love, which she hates that it did, she pretends to seem like it's not a big deal, "no I didn't, I doubt it's true though".

"I have to disagree with you on this one, I know from experience," he adds, earning an eyebrow raise from Shiho.

"How can you possibly fall for someone in such small amount of time?"she asks, still trying to keep an eye out for anyone else hiding  "it just doesn't make sense".

He chuckles "It's called love at first sight,"

Now it's her turn to chuckle, except sarcastically, "you know love at first sight isn't like how it seems in fairy tales right, it just doesn't work that way, how can someone fall in love so quickly".

She obviously never believed in things like that, fairy tales were never a big part of childhood, so she never understood why people were so influenced by it. And she found it particularly unnerving how basically every Disney princess happened to find her prince though their good looks, Ariel, Snow White, Cinderella, she could go on forever.

"It's just a matter of the heart," he shrugs his shoulders, "the heart wants what the heart wants".

"No," she states plainly, "it's just being attracted to someone for superficial reasons".

Rei immediately puts his hand over his chest to pretend to be offended, "Are you saying my love for you is superficial?"

She pauses, "that's not called love, you are just a Casanova".

"I think I know my feelings pretty well M'lady," he turns his head around so his eyes interlocks with hers, as he stops walking and takes her by the hand, enough to make her cheeks blush another shade of red, and he whispers with his deep hushed voice, "trust me".

Oh please, this again. 

No matter how many times Rei pulls a stunt like this, Shiho always seems to find herself - without fail - falling deep into his charm. No matter how hard she tries to escape, her eyes are trapped by his face every time, and everything around seems to just, evaporate. 

He glances quickly down at her lips before resting his eyes on hers again, the tension between them rising by the second.

"Those feelings," she pokes her finger at his chest, her voice in a quiet but oddly seductive manner, "are just called being attracted to someone, because of their looks".

"You know what," he replies, smirking, "I'm not gonna argue with you on that, you'll understand yourself one day, but you're not wrong, I was physically attracted too". With that he winks 

An annoying beeping sound comes from Rei's pockets, and he hurriedly lets go of Shiho's hands to grab it, before walking around near the bush to pick it up. He talks in a serious tone, different to the one he spoke to Shiho with, he almost seems like a different person. 

An empty feeling, similar to the time when he left her at the mall, creeps in. 

It was probably from the NPA, it has to be, 


Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now