Chapter 5

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At the corner of her eyes, she spots a mug on display in a small shop. It's a round white cup that has a Sherlock Holmes silhouette on it.

"Don't you think that would be a good present for Kudo?" she asks walking towards the shop and dragging Rei with her.

"Sherlock Holmes," he nods, a sign of approval, "but we need to get a move on because the crimi-"

"Look," she interrupts, lowering her eyelids "I'm helping you, and the whole point of me coming today was to buy presents and if I want I could just walk away right now."

She pauses for a second.

"And I'll be really quick," she quickly adds and hurries into the shop before he can stop her.

Rei lets out a little chuckle and walks in after her, who was already paying for the mug. As he does, he sees a cute hair clip with aqua coloured crystals aligned into the elegant shape of a tide. Bits of silver were planted between the waves which make the hue stand out.

He gently picks it up and examines it before gallantly sliding onto Shiho's strawberry blonde coloured hair.

"Wait wha-"

Rei smiles warmly and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. A blush creeps on her face.

"It suits you,"

She runs her fingers along the gems, "really?"

"Yeah, it matches your eye colour," he comments, taking it off her hair and handing it to the cashier.

"Just this please," he fishes out his wallet.

"Furuya, you really don't have to do this,"

"No it looks really good on you," he insisted, "take it as a thank you gift,"

Rei carefully slides the hair clip back into her hair, taking her arm in the process and walking out of the store.

"Th-thank you," Shiho mutters, heartbeat racing quickly.

The platinum blonde smiles. "now we gotta get on to business,"

They walk out, then suddenly coming to a halt as Rei's eyes glimpse briefly over to a man in his 30s probably, and who was holding a suitcase and wearing sunglasses. The man is talking to another person who Shiho suspects might be one of the spies.

Rei drags her sharply by the hand and looks her directly in the eye. Their bodies were touching, and she could feel his firm chest under his tuxedo. He places his hand behind her back and pulls her closer to him, and she is positive that her face is glowing red right now. For a moment it feels like they're the only two people in the world, with his enticing eyes gazing into hers.

He caresses her cheek with his thumb, his touch just like soothing notes. Slowly, he leans in, and Shiho stands there, mesmerized by his delicate features. She begins to lean in, their lips are only inches apart and she could feel her heartbeat racing at the speed of light.

Just as it is about to happen.

Just as their lips were about to touch.

He lets go of her and bolts toward the smuggler, wrestling him to the ground, as other agents start to surround them with guns in their hands.

Shock overwhelms her as she stares at the platinum blonde. She blushes at how naturally his muscles flex and how swiftly he moves.

Instantly afterwards, emptiness, rejection and admiration engulf her at the same time. The feeling back then washes away completely and she is left with a small hole in her heart. Her emotions mix together, something she is not used to.

All... that... was just for the sake of capturing the criminal.

It was what she came for right? She was only meant to help him. She'd expected that, right?

She mentally slaps herself for being so... foolish about this whole situation. She should've known and she shouldn't have actually fallen for his charm back then.

There was a nagging feeling in her chest, and she is trying to comprehend all that's going on right now while watching intensely at Rei successfully pinning down the person.

She decides to wait for him, despite the lingering voice in her brain telling her to just leave.

Swinging the bag full of toys and Professor's clothes, she watches Rei lock the handcuffs around the wrists of the smuggler. People around her stop what they're doing and look over to the scene. Some girls point towards Rei, making Shiho frown slightly.

He then talks to the rest of the agent with a serious look on his face, while trying to fish out the notebook from his pocket to take down notes. They seem to be also asking the smuggler some questions and as curious as Shiho is, she decides to stay aside for this one, it wasn't her business.

And she knows she shouldn't be feeling this way, especially since they just met and there's nothing between them. But when Rei started talking to a female officer who appeared to be talking to him.

She seemed to be the officer Rei had talked about, his ex.

Petite seems to be the most appropriate word used to describe her. She was of a remarkably small height and had dirty blonde hair that rests peacefully along her cheek. Her features were marked with simplicity and friendliness, ocean blue eyes and small pink lips. Despite that, there was a hint of maturity in her, behind her sweet facade.

She doesn't seem like a mean person, even if Shiho isn't too thrilled about that fact that he's still interested in her ex.

She chuckled inwardly

Why would I care? It's not my business.

As she watches her, she also notes that Rei doesn't seem one bit uncomfortable by the fact that he and his ex are flirting with each other. In fact, he seems to be enjoying it.

And Shiho starts wondering if he still remembered that she was here.

I mean he's got to thank for me for going along with his plan right?

She waits for the next half an hour and Rei is still not done talking with the other agents. Throughout the half an hour, she'd been given flirtatious looks from guys who she'd managed to not punch them in the face, she had felt pissed when some of the girls swooned at Rei, and she'd been trying to cover her cleavage.

But one thing she noticed that did not happen in the half an hour was that-

-Rei didn't even look at her once.

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now