Chapter 23

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And then they stop

Behind the branches of leaves and fallen bits of rubbish was a beautiful oasis of nature.

A magical oasis of the natural world,

Green pine leaves drape elegantly over sculpted rocks scattered along the rims of the meandering river. The enchanted trees towered above glistened with droplets of rain under the small cracks of sunlight pouring from the clouds. Golden rays softly caressed the lavender flowers reflected by the crystalline body of water stretching out into the distance. Almost like a never-ending stream that leads to the end of nowhere, a stream that mirrors the faint glimmer of nature down the unfamiliar pathway.

It had seemed like a different world.

The petrichoric fragrance of rain lingering amidst the gentle hymns of the mockingbirds, nesting in cutely carved caves.

"Woah," Rei utters quietly in astonishment, mouth agape. It was almost as if they had walked into some sort of setting in a fairytale, and they just so happened to be the protagonist couple, which Rei must say he wouldn't mind. 

He smirks stupidly at the idea.

She gazes off dreamily as she strolls slowly around, Rei following closely behind. There's a small glimmer of spark in her eyes.

Women sure are mysterious beings. 

"This place is a gem," she finally breaths out, inhaling the deep aroma of nature. The strawberry blonde finds a peaceful spot under tall trees and sits herself down on one of the rocks as Rei later joins her. 

 "You know, when I was kid, I used to visit this place near my home," he starts, eyes zoning out into the distant sunset, warm shades of orange painted on the horizon, "it was real peaceful, just like this place, I'm almost getting deja vu". 

She smiles, "was it just like this?"

"Not really," he smirks and pauses for a second, "not with you here".

Shiho slaps him before looking away to cover her laugh, "When did you become so cheesy," suppressing the small bit of happiness radiating from his comment.

"What about you?" he asks, fingers searching for the nearest piece of leaf, "did you have a memorable place in your childhood?"

Silence responds to him as a sudden realisation dawns on him, "oh shit, sorry I forgo-"

"It's ok," she shrugs indifferently, "I don't really remember much anyways, but I was 13 when I went there, anything before that was basically a blur". 

"Oh,  I'm sorry,"

"Don't be,-" she seems like she wanted to continue, but stopped herself. 

"You know I've met your parents before," in his voice floats the meandering essence of reminiscence, "they were real nice".

Her face lights up, and in an almost dreamy voice she whispers curiously "what were they like?"

The mockingbirds chirping before had flew off swiftly to find some food for the babies nesting peacefully inside the nest. 

"They were real nice," he comments simply, "had the best food too". 

A small smile appears on Shiho's face.

"You're mum helped me when I got beat up,"

"Why did you get beat up?"

He shrugs, "dunno, was bored I guess, went to pick fights," Shiho's eyebrows furrow quizzically, "but your parents were nice to help me".

He turns around to her, "much nicer than you," he teases playfully with a pout, referring to all the comments she's thrown at him.

"You make it too easy,"


"Do you see them?" 

"Mm, no".

Shinichi sighs, while Agasa just simply sits down at the rock next to him, his legs were sick and tired of walking. 

It had been almost 2 hours of straight walking around trying to find the two troublemakers, 4 if you add up the hours before that. Shinichi should've expected that they would be the ones that got lost. And he wonders what would've happened during these few hours. 

Like of course, God would just coincidentally make them lost TOGETHER.

Whatever, it is what it is.

"Shin, I'm tired," Ayumi calls out, sweat trickling across her fringe. 

He sighs, "do we all want to rest for a bit before we continue?", and was responded with a chorus of yes's.

Shinichi wasn't too worried about those two. After all, one is an agent and one is a scientist, he trusts that they will figure it out. 

Although, the day was nearing an end, he can't help but dwell on their safety.

Especially Shiho's.

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now