Chapter 33

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2 days has passed since she got her nails done and she's getting more accustomed to it now, even though cooking is still a bit of trek, but for now she's gotten Agasa to handle some hands on cooking while she does the talking him through part. 

"Egg on the stove,"

"Like crack it?"

"How else would it go in?"

"Ai- I don't know how to crack eggs,"

"That's why we're learning,"

Agasa reluctantly hits the egg on the side of the bowl with caution, a crack at a time, he does not want the egg shell to go in. 

"Is this right?"

"Yup, keep going,"

Shiho's phone beeps over from the counter. She looks at it before leaving Agasa, who stands there frozen because his guide is gone now. 

"Ai, I don't know-"

"Just crack the other eggs in the bowl too,"

And with that she left a clueless Agasa holding onto a nearly cracked egg. 

Shiho glances at the message and there's a small jump in her heart when she sees the name Rei saved to her contacts. Of course, she wasn't the one who saved it, he did. Somehow he'd gotten onto her phone and just dialled his number in. 

She wasn't complaining, but she just won't admit that. 


Instinctively, the strawberry blonde narrows her eyes with a hint of scepticism. Roadtrip? Is he serious, now? She did a good job at ignoring that little spark of excitement she felt though. 

What makes you think I'd just ditch my day to go on a road trip with you?

I mean, just how can you resist my charm?

A sigh escapes her lips, that are now perked up in a smile she can't control, wishing to smack that smirk she knew that would be on his face right now. How can a guy be so annoyingly confident?

I think you are getting too cocky 

"Ai?" Agasa calls from the kitchen, "I think I accidentally cracked it too hard, there's egg shells in the bowl,"

"What, I'm coming," she brings her phone over to the kitchen and tries to take in the mess Agasa had made. Literally half of the egg shell was in there, how does that even happen?

He laughs nervously, hand on his head, "I didn't know that was gonna happen hahah,"

She eyes him in exasperation, "so we just have to get a fork and scoop out, I've done this a lot before too don't worry".

Agasa attempts to fish a fork out of the drawer underneath the counter. But of course to his luck, in the process, his elbow knocked the bowl of eggs in the sink, yolk and egg white (plus some egg shells) spilling out in a slimy mess. 

"You know what, let's just UberEats for dinner," Shiho suggests, making a mental note to not like Agasa in the kitchen next time. 

"I second that!" 


The doorbell rings just as she's about to sit on the couch, ready to watch her daily dose of Higo Ryusseke (idk how to spell his name). His match is going to be on soon, and Shiho could not afford to miss it. 

Seriously, I already know who this is.

"I don't remember saying you could just show up whenever," she says before reaching the door handle, knowing that Rei would be listening on the other side.

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now