Chapter 13

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As much as Rei tried to hide his broken feelings snapped by Shiho with a few words, he can still feel it. And even when he was with her and Shinichi, to anyone else it would've looked like he was as normal as ever. He's too good at using his demeanour to conceal the emotions he has behind. Some people might say he's too confident and that he uses that to his advantage, while that might not be wrong, he is still not immune to the power of words. 

"M'lady, how are you?" 

She eyes him, "better if you're not here," she gets up to leave, making a mental note to not be allured by his charm. 

"Aw, don't be so mean," he pouts, blocking the doorway to make sure that she can't get out, "why are you so salty all of a sudden?"

"Tsk, none of your business," she hisses.

He walks closer to her face, purposefully making his warm breath tickle her face, "could it be," he pauses, examining her flawless beauty while he senses her face going red, "you're jealous?"

"I. Am. Not," she asserts through clenched teeth, trying her best to ignore his piercingly attractive grey eyes. 

"I think you are," he teases in a sing-songy voice, placing his elbow above Shiho's head and leaning on the wall so that he's shadowing Shiho.

She glares at him, "Well, I think you've got me confused with someone who gives a damn about what you think,"

He's taken aback because of her smart and quick comeback before chuckling lightly, "is it my ex?"

Shiho doesn't answer. 

"Don't worry, " he caresses her cheeks, looking straight into her eyes, "you're the one for me,"

She rolls her eyes, "you guys were literally flirting," 

"That's called regular coworkers talking, smartass," 

"Didn't sound like just talking to me," she retorts, folding her hands around her chest in a defensive manner and turning away from him. 

"Oh really," he playfully mocks her attitude by folding his arm too, "why do you think so."

"I'm not the only jealous one here," she steers the topic away from herself, smirking at the same time cause she knows this is where she gets the upper hand, "you're jealous of Kudo aren't you".

"N-no I'm not, he's a kid, why would I be jealous of him?" he stutters, knowing that she's hit his soft spot. 

"Fine then, if that's the case you wouldn't mind me going up to kiss him now, would you?"  

With that, she starts walking towards the door. But before she can even reach it, a strong grip stops her from moving at all.

The detective's face is fixed on to hers, his expression unchanging and dead serious. The platinum blonde hair reflecting the light coming from the window, making him even more enchanted. 

"You wouldn'ttt," his smirk creeps back to his face, "you're not the type to do that,"

"You don't know me,"

He pauses, his eyes resting lazily on hers, "why don't you let me get to know you then," his voice was husky, "the real you,"

It's almost as if at the moment, they're in some sort of cliche high school movie where the guy stops the girl from walking away and the girl realises her feelings and then everything's all wonderful again and they live happily ever after. 

And once again, Shiho's cheeks blossomed into a rosy pink colour against her smooth skin. And she swears the surface layer of her face is going to be burnt of sooner or later. 

But it's not like she was actually gonna kiss Shinichi, the most she would've done is walk down and greet him before going to watch tv with the detective boys. 

But Shiho's Shiho and she will repress her feelings the best she can.

"If you don't let go of my hand, then you're gonna be dead," she threatens, steering the topic with a touch of playfulness in her voice which was enough for Rei to know that she won't be mad at him for long.

He pouts again, "You ruined the moment I just set up," 

"You deserved it," she scorns, secretly loving how cute he is when he pouts, "that's for making me look like an idiot".

"Aw, don't worry M'lady, you'll always look like an angel to me," he winks.

She rolls her eyes while holding in her laugh, "You do realise you owe me one now right," she reminds him, playfully hitting his shoulder.

"For what?"

"For saving myself when you put me in that stupid situation,"

"I would've saved you anyways," he mutters, "plus I would never put you in that situation again".

Shiho smirks, holding up her pinky finger "Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise,"

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now