Chapter 35

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Yet funnily enough, unbeknownst to her, Rei Furuya watches from afar, clad in black, the same suit he wore when he first saw her in that shopping centre. Hands in pockets, sunglasses down, one leg resting against the oak tree that merely blended in with the rest of the grassland. He had stood in the corner where the tree was located, enough for him to see her, but not enough for her to see him. 

The air was getting heavier as the light beckoned the dark, a cold evening breeze brewing in the haze. Although a glimmer of light still lingers stubbornly in the dark orange sunset, he counts down the seconds until it turns indigo. 

His lonesome figure could only watch the girl sit at the table with her, absolutely breathtaking dress. It had stopped him dead in his tracks the second his eyes caught a glimpse of the bold red above her beautiful physique. 

If he could freeze one moment time, it would be this. But with him beside her. 

A sorrowful smile paints his face as he watches the girls take her away towards the crowd of people. He knows she despised socialising when she reaches her limit, and wondered how she was gonna handle it. 

So close, yet so far away. 


She knew she was going to hate this and she wasn't wrong. 

Boredom had to be an understatement for the state she was in right now. 

But she was mostly preoccupied by her thoughts.

What did he mean, does he mean what he said?

It just seems so... abrupt. 

Ran and Kazuha are laughing beside her and she pretends to laugh along when she does not even know what conversation topic they are even in. Something about she can't keep up. Whilst Heiji and Shinichi are on the other table with some of the other boys talking about who knows what. 

She didn't know how to feel about it. One part of her is upset, but another part of her is still trying to process it, as if it happened all too quickly for that to even be real. Something still didn't feel right.

They were laughing a minute before, and then after, he just went off. 

After that text message.

I knew these messages and phone calls were dodgy from the start. 

I wonder-

Her thoughts are interrupted when that self-named-idiot-detective comes waltzing in her sight. He signals her to come to his table, and she assumes that he doesn't particularly want to be in the line of sight of his ex girlfriend. 

She shoots him an indifferent snare, I'm not bothered.

He shoots a snare back at her, please Haibara.

She narrows her eyes before getting up and excusing herself to the bathroom and standing together, they are reminded of their old days of Conan and Haibara, partners in crime. Grown up edition now. 

"What was so important you just had to call me out of that wonderful conversation I was having," she gestures to Ran and Sonoko and shoots him a knowing look of you-better-go-say-something-to-her. 

He sighs, "don't even bring that up," he takes a glass of wine from the drinks table, "I don't even know what to do anymore".

"What, it's easy," she states simply, folding her arms around her chest, ready to give him some needed advice because the stupid detective doesn't seem to grasp the notion of talking to the girl, "what you do is, you walk up to her," she gestures with her arms and legs in a rather exaggerated fashion, "and you tap her on the shoulders, and you say 'can I talk to you'?"

Shinichi narrows his eye scornfully at her, "Haibara, I'm not an idiot, I know how to do that".

"Do you though?" she sips on her drink mindlessly.

"It's just," he starts, eyes wandering to the corner of the room, "I don't even know if I should".

She furrows her eyebrows, "should what?"

"Should, nothing".

Shiho could probably guess what he was talking about. But she refused to think he was right, after all, how can someone lose feelings so quickly? Love for a person that lasted for years doesn't just go away in a click of a finger, it lingers painfully and nags them. She would know from experience. He was probably just trying to escape from the truth that he's too scared.

She sits down on the nearest chair and looks up at a Shinichi. "You get bored of the boys?" she nods towards the group of guys huddled around in a circle, clinking their glasses of beer together. 

"Guess what they're talking about,"

She raises her eyebrows in amusement, "sports,"






"Your size," she smirks. 

"Ew no,"

"I don't know,"

"That squirrel in spongebob squarepants,"


"They think she's hot,"

She nearly chokes on her drink and gives Shinichi a knowing look, "I understand your point now". 

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now