Chapter 14

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Next day

They had told the detective boys that Conan and Haibara had given them the gifts for the anniversary and that they'll take the presents for them and mail it to America. Despite the absence of the two kids, the detective boys seemed content with the company of the three new members of the squad. 

Shiho decides to cook dinner since Haibara was supposed to take care of it. Outside, she hears some chatter going on and it seems like the kids are asking Shinichi and Rei about being a detective, while she's by herself in the kitchen, rolling the sushi rolls. It's quite satisfying, especially when it tightens up so the rice wouldn't fall out. 

She enjoyed cooking, it was one of the things Akemi had taught her how to do, when she asked her where she got the techniques from, she just simply answered her mum. It made her feel more connected to both of them, like she is carrying down a part of them. 

A smile appears on her face as she ponders on about her family, she hopes they are doing well, and she hopes they are guiding her from heaven. 

I won't let you down.

"That smile really suits your face,"

The platinum blonde detective suddenly strolls into the room and towards Shiho, admiring her beauty. For once, the flirtacious hint did not float in his presence, instead, it seemed to be replaced by an air of warmth and genuiety, and that change in tone was enough to stir Shiho's emotions right up again.

"Pervert," she mutters quietly under her breath, not wanting her face to heat up again.

He looks at the bowl of seafood and the rice, "you making sushi?"

"No Sherlock, I'm making spaghetti bolognese," she responds sarcastically, "I'm cooking the pasta right now.

"Oh yeah," going along with her sarcastic comment, "lemme try some of that tomato sauce," 

"Sure, go for it," she hands him a bowl of soy sauce and watches his face go to pure disgust. 

She actually expects me to drink this??

Not wanting to lose this banter, he decides to pour half of the soy sauce in another bowl, "since you were working so hard on it, why don't you have a taste with me?"

"You know what Furuya I think I'm fine-"

"No, it's only fair come on," he hands her the second bowl of soy sauce.

Shiho scrunches her nose at the saltiness of the condiment, but picks up the bowl anyways, There's no way I'm losing this. 

"On 3," she holds it up for a salute.

For a second, Rei was shocked she even picked it up, because he knows for a fact that he wouldn't drink that bowl of soy sauce. He clearly didn't expect that she had the guts for that.

Damn, feistier than I thought.

And he can't decide if that's a good thing. 

He clinks his bowl rather reluctantly with Shiho's as she finishes on zero. They both pinch their nose and chugs half of it down, the flavour was an absolute punch of acidic salt, enough to make their tongue fill up with saliva. 

Seemingly too coincidental, both Shiho and Rei, upon reaching halfway of the drink, spits it out in a whirlwind of dark brown liquid and into right onto each other's face. 

Now they are adorned in the warm fluid of a mixture of saliva and soy sauce. 

They exchange a confused stare before erupting into laughter, processing what had happened. 

"Y-you look so stupid" Shiho comments between her giggles, feeling her stomach clench at the laughter.

"Hey, hey, you look stupider than me," he retorts, it was the first time he hears her laugh out loud and to him, it felt like music in his ears.

The whole kitchen is pervaded by the savoury smell of soy sauce and Shiho knows that's not a good thing, but she can't help but enjoy her moment right now.

Luckily, the liquid only got on their faces and little parts of the floor. 

The laughter went on for a few minutes and they both swear that abs were growing on their stomach, it came along with sore facial muscles. 

"Okay, what the actual hell is going on," the other detective had walked in and to his surprise witnessed this abnormal scene. He slaps his forehead in response, low-key not expecting that he would say this to Shiho, "I literally just wanted to wash my coffee cup and this is what I have to come to,"

"Let's just say," Rei begins to stop laughing, finally calming down, "there was a little accident with the soy sauce".

Shinichi chuckles, "you know what, I think I'm gonna stay outta this one," he walks backwards towards the door, "call me when you guys are done with cleaning the mess".

Shiho turns to Rei, "thanks alot Casanova, now I gotta take another shower".

"I suggest to save water, we go to the same one," he exhorts, and immediately, he regrets saying it when Shiho slaps his face, leaving a red mark. 

"You deserved it," she remarks jokingly. 

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now