Chapter 26

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"Where's Furuya?"

They had finished their last activity of this camp trip which Shiho must say was quite tiresome which,  now that she thinks about it, is a major understatement. It consisted of flying balls and shooting discs, she had forgot what it was called, it was one of Agasa's many inventions.  But frankly, she didn't care anyway.

Rei hadn't been with them since the morning and her concern had only been growing. At first, she thought he was just going for a long call and that he'd be back, but after about 3 hours he still hasn't returned. 

For as far as she knows, he hadn't had breakfast yet. 

"We haven't seen him all morning," Shinichi realises, circling his head around at a failed attempt to spot him.

Shiho's hand remains on the car handle, hoping his streak of blond hair will pop out any minute. Except obviously she didn't show it, only appearing indifferent to the fact that he's not here.

"Oh Rei, he said he had to go back early," Agasa informs them, "probably took the train or got a ride back or something,"

She only replies with an, "oh ok," before sinking into her seat and looking out her window, highkey pissed that he didn't tell her but told Agasa instead. 


"Ran, are you going over to Agasa's to pick Conan up," Heiji asks from his spot in the corner of the room, legs lounging lazily over the sofa as if he were in his house, something Kazuha had and still is lecturing him about. 

"Yeah I think, I'm gonna get ready in a few minutes," Ran responds, closing her laptop she'd been finishing her final assessments on, "you guys coming?"

"Yep, you bet," Heiji stands up finally, grabbing his cap from the coffee table and putting it on, "can't lounge on the couch all day". 

Kazuha frowns at him accusingly, mumbling"funny coming out of your mouth".

"Oi, oi, oi," he protests, wanting to say something but stopping himself in the middle when he realises she's not entirely wrong. 

"That's what I thought," Kazuha teases Heiji with a cheeky smile before getting up and walking towards the door. 

"You know I don't have to buy you that earring..." his voice drags on annoyingly until Kazuha realises and turns around with her innocent wide eyes. 

"Noooo Heijiiii," she pouts, immediately sounding like a child, "the earring's really cuteee,"

His intention wasn't to actually get her back for teasing him, but he just wanted to mess around with her for a bit. Obviously he was going to get her the earring eventually, and she knows it, after all, both of them just liked to play the game of messing around. 

He folds his arms with a snide look.

"You're literally the one refused to go back to get the earring!" she asserts defensively with her hands on her hips.

"Well it was your fault you left it there," he rebukes dismissively.

"I told you!" she exclaims, "it was too heavy!"

"Does it make it my fault then?"

"- Heijiiii," she whines in frustration, turning away, wanting to seem pissed at him. 

He chuckles, "fine, whatever," he knew his soft spot was Kazuha, no matter how much he'd be against something, his heart just can't bring itself to say no to her. 

"Yayyy," her bubbly demeanour appears once again as she rushes over to Heiji and grabs him by the hand, "come on Ran's waiting for us outside."

Ran had been secretly listening and she can't help but smile sillily at their cute relationship. But her nostalgia had hit once again. They keep reminding her of what she used to have. The constant bickers, the teasing, the blushing, she doesn't have it anymore.

She shakes her head violently. 

It's for the better, I am better off without him. 


Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now