Chapter 4

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The platinum blonde observes their surroundings meticulously, searching for the drug smuggler and waiting for the right time to start arresting him.

Shiho watches him through her peripheral vision, captivated by his focus on his job and how his hair perfectly coats the side of his head. How he purses his lips slightly when he's thinking-

Snap out of it Shiho! You're just doing a favour for him, nothing else.

"It never occurred to me that you look so... alluring in your adult form," he comments truthfully, earning a glare from Shiho, feeling violated.

Her face flushes pink, "get that image out of your mind," she demands, knowing what he'd be thinking right now.

"A little embarrassed are we?" he teases, his lips curling into a smile as he sees Shiho's flustered face.

"Who said I was embarrassed?!"

"Your face did,"

"What, that was nothing, it's just hot in here,"

"Haha, I guess I am having an impact on you,"


"Handsome guy," he smiles at her demeanour, "don't worry, I know that already".

Shiho gives up on trying to win their banter, he's way too good. And she had thought she was good at arguing with people, but she realised the only person she mocked with Conan, who was smart, but too dense to come up with a clever reply. 

"So how's life, you know, especially after the organization?" he questions casually, eyes still focused on his surroundings.

She shoots him an unexpected stare with one of her eyebrows raised in a confused manner, "Wow, surprising that you're actually trying to start a conversation instead of your provocative comments,"

"So you think my comments are provocative huh,"

Shiho mentally slaps herself, bad word choice. 

"But no, I'm just curious, especially for us, we've been involved with the organization for a big part of our lives, and now it's finally gone"

"Yeah, I guess it's refreshing living as a somewhat normal person who doesn't need to worry and stress every single second," she says, "I've just been working on the antidote lately, but it's a bit dodgy". 

His eyes lit up with interest.

"So tell me," Rei coos, "that antidote of yours, do you have any more of that?"

"It'll kill you, you know," she replies without hesitation, barely looking at him.

She chuckled sarcastically.

"Thinking of getting younger to be able to date younger girls?" She teases, lips curing into her signature smirk.

"No, just asking," he replies simply, "plus you wouldn't mind dating an older guy would you?"

Shiho's face flushes brick red, darting her eyes immediately towards the floor.

But he was right, even when she was little, she found herself attracted to older guys. There was a subtle maturity about them that intrigued her.

She laughs inwardly, obviously, that wasn't the case for Conan.

But she is way over her crush now, especially after Shinichi and Ran started dating, she has forced herself to get over him. Which thankfully worked. It would be awkward to like your best friend who already has a girlfriend. 

"You know," he starts again, giving her a flirtatious wink, " all you have to do is ask".

She forces out a chuckle, that comes out more like a cough, "you should take your own advice".

And inside, butterflies are spazzing out. 

"So, " he asks in a carefree fashion, "have you ever been in love," 

And of course, she knew the answer to that question, although it did surprise her that he would ask that.

"Well, that's not confidential information at all!" her voice drips with sarcasm, earning a laugh from the spy. 

He raises his eyebrows, "so you have been in love,"

"If you answer first I'll answer"

"Alright, we'll both do it at the same time,"

"Nah, you asked the question, it's only polite if you answer first,"

"Well I asked you the question, so you have to answer and then I answer,"

"No it doesn't work the way-"

"Yes it does"



"Fine, on the count of 3,"

"1, 2, 3,"

"Yes," they both answered at the same time.

"Well well," Shiho grins, "didn't know the playboy could fall in love,"

He chuckles, "well it wasn't really love, I only thought it was," his tone descending lower, "funnily enough, she's still my coworker,"

"She works with the NPA too?" Shiho seems surprised, feeling a little stir in her heart.

"Yeah, she's actually on the same mission right now," he comments, "what about you? I wouldn't have expected you to have any liking towards anyone to be honest,"

Shiho throws an offended look at him, "I'm not a robot you know,"

The corner of Rei's lips curls up into a smirk. He glides his hands over to her the side of her back, fingers wrapping on her waist before effortlessly pulling her towards him. 

She lets out a shriek of surprise at their proximity. 

"Hey, what are you doing?!" her face, for the umpteenth time today, blushes red. 

He doesn't respond, instead, he just looks ahead casually with a smirk of his face she wants to slap off. 

She struggles to escape his firm touch and gives up halfway because she lowkey enjoys the warmth between them. She hasn't been this close for someone like this and for the first time, she feels like she's protected, like she has finally let her guard down. 

Pfft, what am I thinking?

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now