Chapter 18

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It was surprisingly easy for Ran to hide her emotion with a facade of sunshine in front of the couple, the light-hearted energy they emitted bore resemblance to her old relationship. And it was funny to think that the last time they had visited, Shinichi and her were still together. 

It feels like she's grieving, but she isn't. How are you to grieve for someone who's still alive? 

Perhaps she's grieving the relationship itself more than the person. Perhaps she's grieving for the death of their relationship. She really doesn't know, but she ended it, and it is what it is. 

Yet the sudden absence of protection seemed overwhelmingly empty. 

Kazuha babbled on about some kid at her school who just cannot stop following her, while Heiji stops her after every sentence, "she could've just been walking the same way smh".

Ran simply just watched the two friends bicker, and it seemed like for a second she had forgot about the man who broke her heart. 

She wasn't ready to tell them yet, not now. It'll ruin the perfect vibe. 

"Oh by the way Ran, how's Shinichi?" Kazuha asked conveniently right on cue, as if she read her mind. 

"Um," seriously?, now? 

Heiji's eyebrow furrow as he senses something a little off, immediately, he taps his foot at Kazuha's, signalling to her.

 "we're not together anymore."

Kazuha's eyes immediately widen and she holds Ran by the shoulders, "are you okay?" she pouts, Ran can feel the sympathy in her voice but she knows that there's nothing her friend can do to help.

"I'm okay, don't worry about it," 

Kazuha helps Ran like every other friend would do when their friend goes through a breakup. Heiji could only sit beside them quietly and thinking to himself because he doesn't think he should say anything just yet. 

He could only say, "I'm sorry," to which she replied with her usual, "don't worry about it". 

Heiji knew the dilemma between them breaking up and the fact that Shinichi's still a kid, he wonders how he's going to have deal with a breakup living with the person who broke up with him. That's pretty tough. 

Ran suddenly looks around the room and at her phone, an expression of worry and concern appearing on her face, "where's Conan I haven't seen him all day."

Uh oh.

"I'm going to call him real quick,"

Heiji sits wondering if Conan would find it awkward to talk to her. 

After calling three times and ending up in voice mail every time without fail, which saved Heiji from the sweat forming on his head, Ran decided to search his location and to her surprise, he was about 50 kilometres from them. 

"Why is he so faraway?"

"Oh- he's probably camping," Heiji quickly deduced, "with his detective friends or what not".


"Oi Agasa why are these tents so hard to put on?"Genta asks as he struggles to put the rods through, "it just keeps on falling".

"They're new, got them a few weeks ago, maybe it'll take a bit of time to get used to," he replies hands covered in dirt from trying to push the sticks in, "try stretching the tent a bit more".

Genta huffs and continues fiddling with his tent.

Meanwhile, over at the other side field, Rei and Shiho are setting their tents up with difficulty also, so often do they find the tent not strong enough to withhold the power of the bouncy rods. 

"Hey," Rei pants, visibly wore out by it, "why don't we work on both the tents together". His tent flies away, "teamwork".

"You know," she starts, "this might be the first sensible idea that comes into your head," leaving her tent and going over to his.

"Honey do you really gotta say things like that," he teases until he is met with her glare.

She starts walking back to her tent, "no wait come back," he chuckles.

"One more comment like that I swear to god," she rolls her eyes while smiling.

He whispers quietly to himself, "you know you like it".

The strawberry blonde picks up one side of the rod, "you take the other side and we gotta curve it".


They both start moving in, in an attempt to make the perfect shape for the tent before digging it into the soil. "We need to put the actual tent on top of this," Rei says.

Shiho scoops up the saggy piece of fabric lying next to the rods, it had gotten quite moist from last nights rain, she grimaces slightly in response and flings it over the rods to Rei. He picks it up and attempts to flatten and stretch it enough so it could fit across. 

The rod screeches in an abnormal way, Shiho glanced at it before it popped off the ground completely and flew across the field. It did not seem to like it's shape. Pretty stubborn if you ask her.

In the same moment, the tent collapsed, the two who had been working beneath it had lost control and the ropes connected on the tent flew around in a tedious fashion, ending up conveniently around Shiho and Rei's body. 

They both collapsed with the tent after got caught underneath it, the wetness of the tent surrounding them, burying them under. 

It had happened so quickly that they both were in a haze about what had happened, they could only stare at each other before exploding into a fit of laughter.

"H-How?" Shiho asks between breaths of laughter, clutching her stomach because she swears she's getting abs.

"Dude that happened so quickly"

They both continue laughing, bodies pressed against each other in the cold tent laid on top of them. Everything was black except for the faint outline of each other's faces. The rope had held them tightly together and both could feel the heat coming up to them from their proximity, not that they're not used to it already. 

The warmth of their bodies had made them forget the coldness around them. 

It was not like they could get up, the rope literally forced them together. 

It seemed the rope had a mind of it's own, it's not everyday where you see a rope tying two people together in an interesting fashion.

After what seemed like forever from laughing, they realise fully the situation they're in, "well how do we get out?" 

"You know if criminals knew how to control a tent rope, they wouldn't even have to do it themselves, they just have to get two people together,"

She giggles, "well that's one way to look at it I guess," feeling the heat of his breath.

They both land in a pit of silence, only looking admiringly at each other, neither seemed very keen on getting out of this dilemma. They were comfy the way they are. Feeling protected against each other's warmth.

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now