Chapter 16

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"There is no way you're sleeping here tonight," 

She stands with her hands fixed firmly on her hips, glaring down at him in such a deadly manner that could kill, even though he's taller than her. Her criticising aquamarine blue eyes piercing right through his soul, pursing her lips into a thin a grim line. She's definitely had enough of her share of teasing today, and she'd rather not get have her face burn into a miscellany array of red again. 

"Come on, it's just for one night, " he argues says back, sitting down casually on the sofa, "plus Agasa won't let me drive home in the storm, he says it's too dangerous. 

He wasn't wrong, the storm had returned again and this time, the wind knocked against the walls of the house and the lightning strikes were blurred from the rain, shades of purple and white igniting the sky under the downpour. 

"I don't need you harassing me verbally again," despite her unyielding tone, a part of her wanted him to stay, like she preferred for him to go away, but she knows she's going to regret it if he does. 

"Fine," he holds his hands up as if he's surrendering to her, "no more teasing for the night".

Shiho sighs, even though her heart's nearly beating out of her chest, "alright, whatever".

"Thanks, love you boo," he smiles cheekily at her, which was out of his normal demeanour. 

"Don't call me that," she warns, getting ready for bed. 

"What do you wanna me the call you then?" he questions, "booboo?"

"Call me Miyano,"


"No, Miyano,"




"Are you even listening to me?" she asks through an exasperated sigh, a little smile creeping up to her lips at his childishness.

He grins immaturely, "I have selective hearing, did I tell you that?"

"No more teasing, did I tell you that?" she responds in a sassy manner, wanting to appear immune by his comments. 

"Technically, I never teased you," he leans on the table and rests his hand on his face, "it doesn't count if it's coming from the bottom of my heart". 

She snickers, "what kind of argument is that?" her back facing him as she tries to get her pyjamas from her wardrobe, "it doesn't make any sense".

A little chuckle escapes his mouth, "it's not meant to".

Without any notice, he boldly takes his white collared shirt off, the one that was stenched with sweat from his mission earlier from today. His back muscles flex with every movement he performs, the veins on his arms strong and clear like it's embroided on his muscles. 

The strawberry blonde scientist is left with her face flushed with brick red which was exactly what she didn't what to happen. She tries tearing her gaze away but it's like her eyes are being magnetised towards Rei's lean figure. 

Of course, she knew it wouldn't be bad, but she did not expect that he was built like a literal statue by god. 

His platinum blonde hair flickers disobediently as he folds his shirt, the messy bangs coating his forehead creates a perfect frame of his face. 

She quickly pulls her gaze away, hoping that he didn't see her stare at him like a creep...until she decides to get him back from all the teasing he has done to her. 

"Trying to impress me I see," she smirks, eyeing him up and down when he turns around to face her. 

"Did it work?" pulling his hair back in a seductive fashion.

She shrugs her shoulders, "what can I say, I'm impressed".

The strawberry blonde strolls over to him slowly, putting her face close to his ear, feeling his heavy breath, and whispers suggestively "I know there's much more impressive stuff though".

Rei feels a shiver down his spine, turning to her so that their lips almost touch, "M'lady," he glances down to her lips before looking back into her eyes, "I thought there was no teasing,"

"I never said that I can't tease you," she purrs, before getting up and giggling, "no I was just messing around, you deserved that". Her tone immediately changes back.

"Fine," he grins, "you win for today, but tomorrow won't be the same," he raises one eyebrow.

She chuckles, "we'll see about that", walking towards the door, "I'm going to get a cup of water before I go to sleep".

"Ok honey,"

Shiho glares at him with an "are you serious" grin on her face, rolling her eyes playfully.

"You never said no to honey," he responds back innocently.


As she wanders towards the kitchen, she is met with none other than the dark haired detective she used to love. His hair resembles that of Kaito's at the moment because he had just had a shower, making his hair all fluffy and messy. He's lips were set in a dull line, he obviously wasn't thrilled.

"Hey Haibara, I need to talk to you,"

She raises an eyebrow, "about?"

"What's with you suddenly hanging with Furuya?" he questions in a hostile manner, "like how-what, how'd you even think of being with him so suddenly,"

"Why Kudo?" she smirks sarcastically, "you jealous?"

He stutters, "n-no, I'm just curious."

She reaches for the cup of water casually before responding, "I bumped into him while I was shopping and then I somehow got involved in that case and now we're here," she explains in a 'matter of factly' tone, skipping over unnecessary details, "fate works in a strange way, doesn't it".

"So what," he objects rather aggressively, "you're just gonna go be with some random guy you just met now?" 

"He's not random-"

"What are you gonna do? Date him now?" 

She doesn't say anything.

"Haibara, answer me!"

"Why does it matter Kudo," her tone suddenly changes soft and quiet, tired of their conversation and she walks away leaving a silent detective.

Why does it matter?

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now