Chapter 31

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At first she thought it was young nail artist coming again to point out something she was doing wrong. 

But turns out it was none other than the iconic duo, Ran and Kazuha. 

Shiho gets a bit of a deja vu thinking how small Tokyo must be if she already ran into Ran 2 times in the span of 2 weeks. Now that she thinks about it, if she hadn't been disrupted by Ran and Sonoko's presence last time, she wouldn't have met Rei. 

This world works on a strange string of coincidence doesn't it?

Now she has to pretend again that she doesn't actually know that much about Ran when she basically knows everything that Kudo had informed her about.

"Hi guys," they greet them back, the two girls getting ready to have their nails done beside Shiho's table.

"You getting your nails done Shiho?"

"Yeah," she answers politely.  "Felt a bit extra today you know,"

"Same though," Kazuha nods before her eyes look to the side in a mischievous motion as if questioning if she should do it or not, her lips rising into a cheeky smile, "are you guys on a date??"

Shiho's mouth opens wide a bit in a feigned disgust, Rei raises his eyebrows for a spilt second before turning into a relaxed smuggish look at Shiho. 

"Aww that's so sweet of Rei to come with you," Ran clasps her hand together, admiring the small romantic moment unfolding in front of her. 

"I mean technically you could count it as a da-" Rei is cut off mid sentence. 

"We are not on a date," 

"Oi oi, don't make me look like the rejected one-"

"He's not my boyfriend". 

She says as if she put a full stop at the end of her sentence. 


The two girls giggle at Rei's response and the couple, communicating to each other with the girl code/body language things that every girl group seems to have. 


The nail artist comes back to start painting Shiho's nails after getting the shape and size she wanted. Everyone looked in awe as the paint coats her nail in a satisfying stroke, it was like those videos you see on instagram, it gets addictive. 

She half expected a full on glittery and shimmery pink look which would probably have not been too much of her style. But instead it's mostly the colour pink with scatters of sparkles which she ADORED. 

"Oh my god, they suit you so well," Ran looks at them in an enchanted gaze. 

"Yeah they're so prettyy," Kazuha adds.

"Aw thank you," 

"Good thing you listened to me right," he nudges her with his elbow, "told you it would suit".

A tiny shade of pink forms on her cheeks which resembles the colour of her nails, which she hopes nobody saw, quickly covering it up to avoid extra teasing. 

"I'm going to take that as a compliment". 

Ran fidgets a bit with her bag and an expression of unease forms on her face, "Hey Shiho, are you related to this girl called Ai in anyway? "

"Yes, I'm her cousin, people always say we look very alike"

"Ahh that makes much more sense!"

"So why are you living at Agasa's house right now?" Kazuha asks straightforwardly, earning a side glance of disapproval from Ran. 

Shiho formulates a lie quickly in her head, "I'm basically helping Ai look after Agasa while she's gone, that's the main reason I guess..." knowing how bad her lie was. 

"Ohh," Ran replies, glancing to the ground and looking back up again, "so do you know Shinichi by any chance?" 

Ran had assumed that if she knew Agasa then she probably knows Shinichi, they're neighbours after all. 

"Yeah I do," Shiho says slowly, trying to catch on to what she's saying, does she still like him? "I'm his crime partner. "

Shiho could've said no, but she is quite curious as to what her motive is and wants to test it out.

"Oh he's talked about you before," you helped him with the cases overseas right. Those period of times when he was gone, "I just never knew your name or who he was talking about because he only said crime partner".

She chuckles, "yeah," she thought about mentioning that she knows Ran is his girlfriend but stopped herself in case she is reminded of her heartbreak. 


The nail artist settles the two girls down and starts setting their nails by sanding them. Ran puts down her purse, which Shiho eyes over at, widening her pupils.

"That's a Fusae purse right??" immediately, the excitement in her voice heightens noticeably. Rei mentally slaps his head, here we go.

Of course that's what she notices. 

"Yess, I got it for Christmas last year," 

"I have the same one, but in a different colour!"

"Oh my god really? That's so cool!"

Rei swivels around as the conversation soon starts turning into topics he wouldn't know anything about. The girls keep chatting on behind him and the words just fly by him in a blur. 

Season, trend, fashion, style. 

Yeh not my cup of tea. 

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now