Chapter 8

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Shinichi threw his head into his pillow as he lies alone with his broken and messed up heart. He lets his body sink into the bed as he chokes in the tears, not wanting them to trickle out. Little sobs quietly escape his mouth, trying to register everything Ran, the love of his life up until now said. 

He replays the scene over and over again in his head and it keeps on going even when he doesn't want to think about it, like a broken radio. And the more he thinks about it, the more he can feel his heart shatter. 

Anger suddenly pervades him, beginning to punch the bed. And even if he knows what he's done can be hurtful to her and even if he knows that to her, he may seem like a jerk, he can't help but feel annoyed at the fact that Ran can't see from his perspective.

He knew Ran was gonna reach her limit though, it was inevitable. She was going to get pissed at him one day. 

It's a horrible feeling, losing your best friend and love. Knowing that it's your fault that it's happened. His heart hurts like the wounds have been stained with poison. And now he understands why people take years to get over heartbreaks. She's so close, yet so distanced from him. 

Tears finally drip out of his exhausted eyes, gradually crying himself to sleep.


A few hours later

She wakes up to the continuous vibration of her phone, her vision still blurry and her mind in confusion. It takes her a while before she remembers what happened. A wave of nausea swept through her when she tries to look around. Her hands and feet are bound together by a rope that grazes along her skin when she tries to move it. 

Shiho attempts to untie the ropes by using her teeth, but it only ends in her being enveloped in nausea because of her motion sickness. 

That stupid son of a bitch.

She glares at the smuggler, who's too distracted by the whirring sounds of the sirens in the distance that he hasn't realised that Shiho was awake already. The strawberry blonde can see him shaking and clutching tightly on too his steering wheel. 

Guessing his not experienced. Perfect.

Struggling to untie herself, she lies her head down hoping that the dizziness will go away. She takes a few shaky breaths before again trying to break free. 

She thinks about kicking the back door open, but that would be too dangerous and even if she could, she'd have to free herself first, not to mention that he would notice the sound immediately. 

Realisation suddenly snaps her.

The hair clip that Rei bought her!

She mentally thanks him as she tries to shake it out of her hair, without making much noise. 

Another feeling of nausea washes through her, her brows furrowing in response.

No, I've gotta stay strong.

She heard a soft thud behind her, too soft for the driver to hear.


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