Chapter 21

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First day of camp had been interesting for Shiho, apart from when Rei left to pick up his call and spent the rest of the night negotiating with someone, she wasn't sure who, or what it was about. He didn't tell her, so she decided to not delve any further. 

But it seemed like he was so concentrated on it that he just, forgot about her. 

She tries to push the thought away.

What are you doing you don't even like him.

Hide and seek was low-key a fail, she only found Kudo and Agasa mainly because they barely tried and just sat beside a tree the entire time. 

Her wonders to Kudo and Ran, she can't help but blame herself for their situation, cause when it gets down to it, she was the root of the problem. Ran couldn't bear Kudo's spontaneous nature anymore which is all because of the antidote she created. 

Sometimes she wondered why Ran was hidden from the truth, after all, although she needs to be protected, Shiho knows that if she was in her situation, she'd risk her life to know. Especially now, the B.O. is gone, it wouldn't harm her to know the background information. 

But then again, she shouldn't get involved in their business. She trusts Kudo and he'll be the one to decide where direction to take. 

"Oi, Earth to Miyano," 

Rei had been waving his hands in from of Shiho for 5 seconds straight and she hadn't noticed.

"Bet you were thinking of me naked," he smirks.

"Please," she lowers her eyelids, "no one wants to see that".

"You know you want to,"

"as much as I admire you confidence, you are wrong on many levels-"

"I beg to differ,"

"You can't differ my feelings,"

They stop when Ayumi comes running to them

"Rei! Shi! We're gonna go hiking," Ayumi shouts metres away, interrupting their bicker, that Shiho frankly thinks the rest of the group is tired of. 


The mountain path was heavy with rocks and fallen leaves, meandering through trees laid upon steep surface. As road narrowed the further they walked, the rocky land turned to dampened soil that marked their footprints from the ghostly wind beating them to the left. 

Their legs had gradually given up on them as they walked higher and higher, taking frequent rests to make sure that they are not all dying by the end of this hike. 

And they are not on the way back yet. 

"I hope it doesn't rain," Agasa comments though huffed breaths, struggling to keep his balance on his wobbling hiking stick, "looks like I'm getting old, can't handle this anymore".

"This why I tell you to cut down on sugar," Shiho mumbles, eyeing him as they both recall Agasa sneaking into the kitchen every night to get that bar of chocolate he'd been hiding, earning a series of out of breath laughs from everyone. 

"Haibara used to do that," Mitsuhiko points out, an eyebrow lifting up, "like tell prof to stay away from sugar".

She curses slightly in her head at his annoyingly alert brain, she knew he was the smartest out of them. 

"Yeah we both did," she answers simply, trying to sound at ease and not tense, "I was the one who told her to look out for it".

"You guys are seriously talking about me right in front of me huh," Agasa seemingly complains, but in reality was helping Shiho steer the topic because laughter erupted. 

They hike for a few more minutes up the steep hill before a heavy gust of wind came howling down, Shiho could feel Rei beside but it was too hard to see anyone else. Little pieces of rocks and other miscellanious things fly about and scrape the side of clothes as she covers her face with her arms. 

She had heard the sound of Ayumi's little shriek for a few seconds before she found herself listening only to the empty growl of the wind. The disappearance of her scream laid in the back of her mind for a while until the wind stopped, after what seemed like hours, and she was calm enough to realise that both her and Rei had lost the rest of the group.

Our Love Is Like Fireworks [Detective Conan Fanfic] (Rei x Shiho)Where stories live. Discover now