XXXI. Phantomesque

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French Riviera

Rebekah and Kol were in the Mediterranean coastline of the southeast part of France at a club. Dance music was blasting so loud that nothing else was heard. The club was filled with vampires, who were draining humans of blood left and right. Rebekah scanned the crowd of vampires and humans until she spotted the perfect vampire for her and she started to dance with him.

Kol was having fun at the bar of the well populated club and was fulfilling his hunger happily. Rebekah leaned in for a kiss and pulled the vampire closer to her. The unnamed vampire pulled away from the blonde original abruptly and clutched his hand to his heart. He fell to the floor and his veins popped out as his skin desiccated. Rebekah wore a look of shock as the vampire she was previously dancing with died.

Moments later, other vampires in the club dropped to the floor, also dead. Screams continued throughout the club and the humans made a run for the exit of the club. The only people remaining in the club were Rebekah and Kol. Kol dropped his dead human from his grasp and walked closer to his sister.

Rebekah pointed at the dead vampire next to her. "I haven't seen vampires die like this since....," she trailed off and then locked eyes with Kol. "You were killed."

"And my entire sire line died with me," Kol realized where Rebekah was going with her thoughts.

"Juliette," Rebekah mumbled with fear flowing through her tone.


New Orleans

Lucien stood next to Hayley as the two looked at Freya, who was across from them.

"Rebekah and Kol just landed," Klaus announced as he and Elijah strutted into the compound. "I assured them we're mere moments from returning our sister to life. Don't make me a liar," he requested the last part to his older sister.

Freya set down the various things in her hands and looked up at the male hybrid. "I can't resurrect Juliette until I'm certain her mind is whole."

"Well, you saved Finn with that very trinket," Klaus pointed out. "What's the problem?"

"When that pendant was shattered, Juliette's mind shattered with it. She's most likely retreated to the innermost core of her consciousness."

"How do we find that?" Hayley asked as Lucien stayed eerily quiet. He was heartbroken that he may never see his love again and he wasn't even sure how he would tell Kennedy that her mother was gone forever if they failed at bringing her back to the land of the living.

"I don't know," Freya said exasperated. "It could be anywhere in over a thousand years of memories, but if I try fixing the pendant before finding her and healing her mind, she'll be permanently fractured, like casting a broken bone before it's been properly set."

Frustration only increased with Klaus and he interrupted his sister from continuing her explanation. "Spare me the medical analogies and fix her."

"I need to go inside and find her. Once I'm sure her mind is stable, then I can fix the pendant."

"Well, then stop talking and get in there," Klaus demanded.

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