XVIII. No More Heartbreaks

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"Lucien!" Juliette called out after opening the door to his penthouse. "Lucien! I got all your texts! This better be life and death!"

She slammed the door shut and stepped further into the living room. "I have been trying to get ahold of you for hours," Lucien walked out of his room.

Juliette gazed at him with an unreadable face. She didn't know how she should feel. She loved Lucien but he has hurt her and her family too many times to count.

"Well, I'm sorry. I have a life," she snapped but her face softened after looking at Lucien's tear filled eyes. "What is it?"

Lucien took steps closer to the Mikaelson and held eye contact with her. "I'm so sorry, my love," he started and picked up Juliette's hands in his. "The ancestors wouldn't let me quit."

Juliette grew confused and bewildered. "Lucien, you're not making any sense."

"I wanted to quit my plan to harm your family after we found out that you were pregnant," Lucien further explained. "I tried multiple times but they want me to kill them," he mumbled and squeezed Juliette's hands tighter.

"And I'm supposed to believe that you don't want to kill my family?" Juliette asked and pulled her hands away from Lucien.

"Look inside my mind," the upgraded original told her. "Or do a truth spell so I can't lie," Lucien sighed and watched as Juliette moved her hands out of his grasp and watched her say a spell.

"Veritas tempus," Juliette chanted and focused her vision onto the man in front of her. Lucien braced himself for the amount of questions Juliette was about to spit out at him. "Did you really go to the ancestors to quit?"

"Yes," Lucien answered honestly. Juliette smiled lightly and then went on to her next question.

"When?" She asked.

"When Freya told us that you were pregnant," Lucien sighed already over the questions Juliette was asking.

"Why?" The hybrid questioned once again. She crossed her arms over her chest as she waited to hear Lucien's answer.

"Because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I killed you and our child. And I know that I would lose you forever if I killed your siblings as well," the upgraded original admitted as he was still under Juliette's spell. "Is that enough confirmation for you, darling?"

"Just one more," Juliette smirked and stepped closer to the Castle vampire. "Humor me. Do you love me?"

"What kind of question is that?" Lucien looked at the laughing hybrid. "Of course I do. You're the love of my life."

Juliette grew more serious and placed one of her palms onto Lucien's cheek. "That's all I needed to hear."

She leaned up and was about to kiss him when Lucien abruptly pulled away. "I need to tell you something," he mentioned and sensed panic coming from the Mikaelson hybrid. "Simon bit Cami."


Juliette and Hayley stood across from a zoned out Cami. "Cami?" Hayley called out to the blonde vampire.

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