XXXIX. What, Will, I, Have, Left

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Warning: You all may hate me after this one

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Warning: You all may hate me after this one

Kennedy was in the backseat of Roman's car while he was driving. Kennedy had her head resting against the window while looking out at the dark sky. She had been quiet so far in their trip as she still wasn't on board with Hope binding herself but the blonde witch wasn't going to let her cousin go through this moment without her. Even though she didn't agree with Hope, she wasn't going to abandon the tribrid.

It reminded Kennedy of her mother and how Juliette would tell her daughter stories of the Mikaelson children. How Juliette would always be there for her siblings even if she didn't agree with everything they did.

Her mother was still missing and Kennedy had failed at tracking her and she was hoping that her mother was okay. She knew her mother could hold her own but it didn't stop Kennedy from worrying.

Kennedy tore her head off of the window when she felt a strange sensation. "That's weird," Hope commented, having the same feeling as her cousin. "I think someone may be tracking us."

"I feel it, too," Kennedy mumbled and looked to Roman. "Pull over."

"W-we need to be somewhere quiet," Hope told him and Roman obliged and pulled off to the side of the road. Hope and Kennedy climbed out of the car and walked a few steps into the dark.

Kennedy was too focused on what her and Hope were doing that she couldn't hear the conversation that Roman was having on his phone in the car.


Greta Sienna looked down at the daggered Juliette with a smirk. In one swift action, Greta yanked the dagger dipped in white oak ash out of Juliette's heart. When Juliette came to, she immediately noticed a barrier spell around her. The original heretic almost wanted to laugh as she could easily break the spell keeping her confined.

"You know I can just break this barrier spell and then nothing's stopping me from killing you, right?" Juliette called out to Greta when she noticed the younger vampire.

"You can try all you want but you'll never be able to escape," Greta sneered. "And if you don't do as I say, I will gladly call a vampire to go kill your daughter. Which is that very reason that you came willingly," Greta pondered.

"You harm my daughter in any way, I will kill you," Juliette told Greta with a serious tone as Juliette knew that Greta would have easily gone after Kennedy if the original heretic fought the vampires.

Juliette reached her hand up to magically take the barrier but no matter how hard Juliette tried, she couldn't get the barrier down. "Why can't I take it down?" Juliette asked mostly to herself but Greta answered anyway.

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