VI. Beautiful Mistake

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Juliette and Freya walked through the main door of the compound. The former had a rough night after she found out she was pregnant with a miracle baby.

Freya had called to meet back at the house but stopped short when they noticed the place was destroyed.

Juliette walked foreword and hovered her palm over a broken chair and received flashes of a fight between Klaus and Elijah. Freya and Juliette exchanged worried glances before their eyes landed on their brothers sitting at dinning room table.

The two sisters marched into the room to see Klaus filling a glass with his blood. "May I ask what happened?" Freya was the first to ask.

Klaus looked up at his sisters. "We had a little chat about the past."

"I politely informed Niklaus that I'm not his enemy and though they entered the city under the guise of peace, Tristan, Simon, and Lucien, in truth, are allied against us, a fact that required little bit of gentle persuasion," Elijah informed the two woman. Juliette rolled her eyes at her brother's dramatic story telling.

She didn't know for sure if Lucien was allied with the de Martels against her family. She didn't want to believe especially after the news Freya told her last night.

"And so I reminded our brother who angered them in the first place," Klaus looked up at Freya and Juliette, refusing to look at Elijah.

"And after all of this civil discourse, what understanding did you come to?" Freya asked.

Elijah looked briefly at Juliette, knowing that she wouldn't be okay with what he was about to say. "That we expose and destroy our first sired."

Klaus smirked and slid a glass full of alcohol toward Elijah. "Couldn't agree with you more. You see, gentlemen know when it's time to call a truce and turn our fury in a more pertinent direction."

Juliette glanced at Freya quickly before looking back at her brothers. "What if I told you both that I somehow seem to be magically pregnant?" She jokingly laughed to lighten the mood. Both brothers turned to stare at the original heretic with shock and surprise at her revelation. "I guess history is repeating itself."

"All the more reason to kill Lucien," Klaus smirked at his younger sister which caused her to scoff.

"You're not gonna kill Lucien but I will gladly kill Simon myself," it was now her turn to wear the signature Mikaelson smirk.

"Sister, you may be immortal but your baby isn't," Elijah finally spoke up for the well-being and concern of his unborn niece or nephew. His smiled lightly when he listened to the little heartbeat coming from his younger sister.

Juliette stood up from her seat and grinned wickedly. "Then I will magically rip his own heart out from his chest," she announced. "It's kind of ironic, no? He doesn't have a heart metaphorically but when I take his heart it will be literal."


Juliette left the compound after telling her brothers about what was going on with her. She arrived at Lucien's penthouse to give him an earful of how pissed off she is.

"Lucien!" She called out to him when waltzed right in. She froze when she saw the scene in front of her. Camille was searching through boxes while Detective Kinney was sitting across from Lucien. "What the bloody hell is going on?" She demanded.

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