XII. Heart Shaped Box

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Juliette, Freya, and Elijah walked to the balcony on the upper level of the compound. Klaus was holding a NOLA police officer by the throat over the balcony.

"I see we're in for another normal Mikaelson breakfast," Freya sighed.

"Niklaus, for heaven's sake, release the poor creature," Elijah pleaded with his younger brother. Klaus simply smirked with raised eyebrows and released the police chief and let him fall over the balcony and onto the ground of the courtyard. "That's not what I meant."

Juliette crossed her arms with an amused grin on her red painted lips. "Maybe you should have been more specific, brother," she glanced to Elijah.

"He'll live," Klaus told them. "And he'll remember to do better." He walked into the study with his siblings following after him.

"Is all this torture necessary?" Questioned Freya.

"Where have you been?" Klaus asked and moments later Marcel entered the room.

"I was making sure that the Strix and their witches were out trying to find your loony ex-girlfriend. Is that okay by you—,"

Elijah quickly cut in. "Gentleman, please."

"All of our heads are on the chopping block because he lost the one thing that can kill an original," Marcel reminded the Mikaelsons.

"It's not his fault that Cami was waving the white oak around like a kite," Freya intervened.

"Or that Aurora made a deal with one of your witches," Juliette was quick to defend Klaus.

"Oh, yeah, it is," Marcel countered.

Klaus stood up angrily from his chair. "I'm quite capable of defending myself, thank you Freya and Juliette," he breathed walking toward his sisters. "What I cannot do is cast a spell to find Aurora. In that respect, we're alike."

"Aurora is cloaked, most likely by the very witch she killed. We have been working nonstop, everyday," Freya was quick to defend herself and Juliette.

"Well, you've both stopped now, haven't you?" He asked. "Well, go on. On your way."

"Do you talk to our other sister like this?" Freya asked.

"Don't worry, sister. You get used to it," Juliette glared up at Klaus and grabbed Freya's hand marched out of the room, ignoring Elijah's pleas on the way out.


The two Mikaelson sisters were in the bell tower, bent over the table. "Let's see if the nine thousandth time's the charm," Freya linked her hand with Juliette after spinning the spindle.

"Cerco il se ra ci. Cerco il se ra ci. Cerco il se ra ci," they chanted together to try and locate Aurora. After saying the spell three times, the map on the table caught on fire leading to the two sisters to sigh out in frustration.

The fire went out and left the map burnt but the spindle was still moving. It flew across the room and hit a postcard that read: Greeting From New Orleans.

They wearily turned around to see Aurora standing before them. "Are you looking for me?"


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