XX. Give 'Em Hell Kid

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Juliette and Lucien left Kennedy in the care of Mary. Juliette trusted Mary because Hayley trusted her and Lucien trusted both Juliette and Hayley. They stood next to each other in the French Quarter for Cami's wake.

"Say not in grief, that she is no more, but be thankful that she ever was. And though she was taken far too soon, may her enduring light show us a way through this darkness. Let us mourn, because we cannot move on until we do. And though the pain may, at times, seem like more than we can bear, make no mistake, we will move on."

The pair met up with Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley but Lucien decided to keep his distance from the two Mikaelson brothers. He knew this all started with him and he blamed himself for Cami's death. Juliette trailed behind them where Lucien was. She took his hand in hers to assure him that this wasn't his fault and followed behind her two older brothers and Hayley.

After leaving Rousseau's after paying their respects, Juliette and Lucien headed to the Bayou. They were walking down the street, eager to get back to their adorable baby girl. Juliette's phone rang loudly and the Mikaelson knew something was going on with her siblings.

"Elijah?" She questioned after picking up her phone from her back pocket. "What is it?"

Lucien listened in to the conversation as he wanted to know what was going on. "Freya used Lucien's prophetic witch to see if the prophecy has past."

Juliette shared a look with the man she loved who wore worried face. "What did she see?"

"Marcel is the beast in the prophecy and the serum was extracted from Aurora," her older brother confessed. "For all we know, he could've already drank the serum."

"What do you want me to do?" Juliette asked her noble brother.

"You stay at the compound with Freya. I'll take Lucien with me to find Niklaus."


Juliette didn't quite listen to Elijah when he said stay at the compound. Instead, she tagged along with Kol. He had told her about his freaky witch experience that happened to him when he was packing.

Juliette and Kol stepped through the cemetery and stopped at a tomb that contained Vincent and Detective Kinney. "How are you gonna get that thing into this spirit world?" Kinney asked the witch.

"Simple," Kol spoke with a little smirk. "He's got to die."

"Who the hell are they?" Kinney asked Vincent, not recognizing Juliette after all the compulsion he went through and never having met Kol.

"You're not going to blow up the ancestral well by yourself," Kol spat to the witch.

"Kol, whatever help you and your sister are trying to offer me, I'm not interested," Vincent turned them down.

"I'm coming with you, I'm not asking for permission," Kol stepped closer to the Griffith witch.

"I'm coming, too," Juliette walked over to stand next to her younger brother. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Besides, Davina's the one who brought me here and Juliette insisted she tag along," Kol told Vincent.

"Davina's gone, Kol," Vincent shouted.

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