II. You Hung the Moon

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Juliette and Freya danced next to each other in the best club in New Orleans, according to the older sister. The hybrid was dancing with a human tourist to the dance music.

Juliette felt another presence approaching and looked over the human's shoulder to see Marcel. "Need a break from family drama?" He asked the Mikaelson sisters. He handed them each a shot which they both took greatly.

"See, I've been trying to get our brothers to mend fences, but Elijah remains bitter, and Klaus remains obstinate," Freya drunkly told the Gerard vampire.

Juliette held up her now empty shot glass. "Thus, tequila," she cheered.

"Thing is, it's almost midnight," Marcel reminded the Mikaelson witch.

"Well, I'm not wearing glass slippers," Freya joked. "Do you have to turn the best club in town into your personal blood bank?"

Marcel smirked and placed a hand on the witch's shoulder. "We feed on tourists, compel them to forget, locals turn a blind eye. That's how NOLA works. Has been for a long time."

"So, sister, unless you want to become an appetizer, I suggest you go home," the younger sister advised Freya.

"I'll pass," she refused but grabbed ahold of the human she was previously dancing with. "This one's coming with me."

Juliette watched as her sister made her way out of the club safely before facing Marcel again. "I can never turn down a snack."

Marcel nodded his head while Juliette grabbed the guy she was dancing with earlier and pulled him down to her level. She gave him a seductive smirk before sinking her teeth into his neck while ignoring the buzzing of her phone.


Juliette Mikaelson walked into the compound and noticed Jackson chained up by his arms with Freya standing in front of him. "Can I get you some water or something?"

"Do I even want to know?" Juliette asked making her presence known to her older sister and her best friend's husband.

"Hayley's missing," Freya told the younger Mikaelson. "And I can't locate her."

"What do mean she's missing?" Juliette demanded walking closer to the two.

Jackson ignored Juliette's questioning. "Let me out. It's dawn, I haven't turned back yet. It doesn't make any sense. I need to find Hayley."

Freya placed her palm onto Jackson's chest. "I can feel the curse in your blood. Something's restraining it, but you could transition at any moment."

Suddenly a whoosh of air was felt by Juliette and watched as the figure knocked Freya out. "Hayley?" the Mikaelson hybrid asked. Blood covered Hayley's face and all of her clothes making Juliette worry about what happened to her best friend.

"Where the hell is that bastard?"

"Hayley, what happened?" Jackson asked his wife.

"Hayley. Come to apologize for all your transgressions?" Klaus appeared behind Hayley and Juliette. The latter let out a sigh knowing that whatever was about to happen would not be good.

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