XLI. The Kindness of Strangers

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Juliette had her head in her hands on the couch that was in the courtyard

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Juliette had her head in her hands on the couch that was in the courtyard. Thunder kept crashing making Juliette sigh in frustration. She could hear Klaus and Elijah upstairs with a little argument.

She heard Klaus walk down the stairs and after several seconds, it sounded like a door opening. Juliette stood up to her feet as her brother called out to the newcomer. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

"Oh, Nik. Always so dramatic," Rebekah approached the room.

Juliette smiled. "Rebekah," the blonde original walked over to her older sister and embraced her tightly. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too, Julie," Rebekah smirked at the face that Juliette made to her old nickname that their mother had given her.

Rebekah giggled lightly and went over to Klaus to give him hug. They were pulled apart when Kol fell from the ceiling and onto the couch that Juliette was sitting on previously. He stood up confused for a moment and then sighed. "Oh, bloody hell."

Juliette crossed her arms with an amused smile. "You look like you were having fun."

"Oh, put a sock in it, Julie," Kol remarked, bringing up the nickname that Rebekah brought up only moments earlier which resulted in the blonde laughing despite their little situation. "This is my least favorite recurring nightmare."


Juliette stood next to Rebekah as she was trying to open a bottle of wine. "I was in Corsica, drowning my sorrows about Hayley, when I suddenly dropped," she got the cork out and went to pour some wine into a glass but nothing was coming out.

Rebekah scoffed. "What I wouldn't give to spend just a decade without being dragged into a godforsaken chambre de chasse."

"You and me both, Beks," Juliette muttered as Kol arrived with a shirt on.

"Suppose you were in a board meeting," Klaus addressed him.

"I was waiting for my wife to come home from work," Kol explained his entrance with no shirt. "Once again, ripped from complete contentment for....this. Suppose I'll ask the obvious: piss off any witches lately?" He directed the question to Klaus.

"Actually, my current enemies are a group of hatemongers who see myself and my daughter as abominations to the vampire race."

"The bigoted undead," Rebekah commented. "That's new. They must have a witch for hire."

Kol held a wine bottle in his hand, looking directly at Juliette. "A witch that's spent enough time here to replicate every detail. This is Elijah's prized Cheval Blanc."

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