XXXII. A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken

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Kennedy and Hope stared outside the window of the Compound. Even though she was only five years old, she knew that there was danger coming and she also knew that her mother wasn't sick like her father told her.

"Hope, It's so quiet," Kennedy commented on the fact that there was hardly anybody out on the streets and the older Mikaelson knew it was because of the Hollow.

"The Hollow, she's getting stronger," Kennedy turned her eyes away from the mostly empty streets of New Orleans and looked at her slightly older cousin.

"You can sense her?" Klaus asked from behind the two young witches.

"When we first got here, there was always music outside, people dancing, laughing. Now there's not," Hope explained to her father, still staring out the open window. "It's like she's draining everything out of the city."

Hope finally turned around and faced Klaus and it made Kennedy spin around as well. "She already took Auntie J and soon she will come for the rest of us."

Klaus kneeled down to the two girls' height and held onto his daughter's shoulders. Kennedy felt tears prick in her eyes since she was scared that she would never see her mother again.

"Listen, Hope, Kennedy, I know you're both scared. But over the years, a lot of bad people have stood against our family, and all of them have fallen," Klaus turned his eyes to his niece. "I will make certain that you are reunited with your mother, little witch."

"The Hollow is no different," Klaus calmly told them.

"No, she is different," Hope interrupted her dad.


Lucien stood above Juliette's coffin and stared helplessly at her. Her skin was desiccated and it made it difficult for the upgraded original to look at her because he felt that he could have done more to save her.

Crackling sounded next to the Castle vampire and he paused as he tried to figure where the noise was coming from until his eyes landed on the pendant. He took a few steps closer to it and picked it up in his hands and stared at the blue pendant that had cracks forming on the surface.

Lucien sent one last look at his love before he left the room in search of Freya with the locket in his grasp.

"Despite the spell I cast, the very integrity of the pendant is growing unstable," the blonde witch explained to Lucien and she set the necklace down on the table in front of her. "It won't be able to hold Juliette's soul much longer. We need to find a way to resurrect her tonight, or we could lose her forever."

"To do that, we'll need more power," Hayley mentioned as she stood next to Klaus, who had his arms crossed over his chest.

"Let me guess, a grand sacrifice," Klaus theorized.

"It's always a grand sacrifice," Lucien commented.

"I say we kill our enemy, and sacrifice her, then I can channel the power from the Hollow's death, raise Juliette's body, and place her back where she belongs," Freya explained her plan to bring back her sister while also taking out the threat against their family.

"We've tried everything," Hayley reminded.

"And we've come close," Freya looked at Hayley. "Labonair blood is her Achilles' heel. Hayley, your blood weakened her, but you've been technically dead for years. So, it won't be strong enough to kill her. If we forge a blade using the blood of the last living Labonair....," Freya trailed off, hoping for the three to figure out what she was saying.

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