XXXIII. Voodoo Child

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Juliette sat at the desk in the study of the compound. The dark side of her came out when Lucien went into the pendant to save her. She knew Lucien didn't care about the horrible things she had done in the past but it didn't make her feel better that he saw and experienced the evil in her that she has tried to keep at bay for the sake of her daughter and niece.

She slid her arms across the desk when she saw flashes in her mind of the horrific things that she has done to survive and to keep her family safe. When she was in the pendant behind the black door, everything behind it was true. She murdered an entire village just because she could. She once killed an entire coven of witches because they wouldn't accept her into their coven.

It was when she first became a vampire and she was angry that her mother made her this way. She was already considered an abomination before she became a vampire due to being a siphon. Once she became what she is now, she destroyed people's lives.

Dozens of papers and various items such as pencils and books flew to the ground as her two brothers entered the room to see her anger bubbling.

"We should be celebrating your return, sister," Klaus told her, stepping over the mess she created.

"Not right now. I will later," Juliette mumbled as she forced the vivid memories away from her mind.

"You're worried you'll hurt your daughter after what you went through or you think she will see that side of you," Elijah realized and walked to stand next to his sister, who felt like she was having a breakdown and felt like she was going to snap at any moment. "Juliette, listen to me. It will get better."

Elijah knew what she was going through as the two siblings were really similar when it came to the bad things they have done in the past. They buried it deep down inside so they didn't have to relive the horrid things they've done.

"Give yourself time, sister. I know you won't hurt either Hope or Kennedy," Klaus told the heretic sincerely.

"How do you know that, brother?" Juliette called out to him from her chair. "You of all people know what this rage and anger feels like."

Rebekah marched into the room. "Alright, can we please put a moratorium on all of this sulking?" She sauntered over to her older sister and rested her palm on Juliette's shoulder. "It's a lovely day, the Hollow is dead and my sister is back. I have to admit, I've missed the Quarter. I'm gonna make you take me out to hear some jazz."

Juliette held back the urge to snap at her sister as she knew that Rebekah meant well. All the Mikaelson heretic wanted was to sulk alone by herself. That way she couldn't hurt anybody and she definitely wouldn't be able to hurt Kennedy or have her daughter think her mother is a monster.

"Might I suggest you enjoy the charms of the city while you still can?" Klaus advised to his sisters. "Marcel will want us gone posthaste, as per our agreement."

"Or perhaps he's changed his mind and he will grant us a reprieve," Rebekah decided to put her faith into Marcel changing his mind.

"He will grant us no such thing," Elijah spoke up on the topic. "We're going to meet with him to discuss the terms of our departure."

"I suspect he simply needs to be asked nicely," Rebekah commented. "You boys really should leave these matters to me," Rebekah marched over and gripped onto Juliette's hand and tugged her out of the chair. "Come on, sister. You're coming with me. It will do you good to get some sunshine and fresh air."

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