XIX. Where Nothing Stays Buried

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"I'll draw Davina's spirit to a circle," Freya hovered over a table in the compound with various items strewed about.

Juliette felt horrible that Davina was now dead. She was never close with the harvest girl but Juliette knew how much Kol loved the witch.

"As long as she's there, the ancestors won't be able to torment her," Freya looked up at everyone in the room. "With luck, that will buy you some time to find a way to resurrect her but I'll need to channel an original if I'm going to sustain the spell."

Kol instantly stepped foreword. "Take me. Put me down, for all I care, if it keeps her safe."

Freya turned down her brother's offer. "No, you've been marred by the ancestors' magic and Juliette is real close to having her child. So, Klaus, Elijah, rock, paper, scissors."

Elijah took a few steps foreword to offer himself but halted when the candles lit up.

"That's definitely not good," Juliette concluded and shared a worried look with her sister.

"My early warning system," Freya bent down closer to the candles. "I think a New Orleans witch is trying to meddle with one of you."

"If Simon has the new regent at his beck and call, it's me he's coming after," Klaus declared but all their attention turned to a portrait of Rebekah as it caught on fire.

"No. He's going after Rebekah," Freya concluded.

The siblings now stood in the upstairs study of the compound. "Simon thought that killing Cami would have me charging into his lair on a suicide mission," Klaus thought aloud. "When it didn't, he set his sights on Rebekah. He's kicking hornets' nests until we have no choice but to confront him."

"Presumably, he still believes she's at the bottom of the ocean," Elijah assured a worried and angry Klaus.

"I cloaked all of you," Freya told them all. "But with the ancestors working for Simon and used to be for Lucien, it may take a while, but if he wants to find Rebekah, he will."

"I'll go get her," Klaus insisted about to leave.

"It's not safe out there," Freya stopped him before the hybrid exploded.

"What, then? Are we to sit here and play cards until Simon slides Rebekah's bitten corpse down the hall?"

Juliette walked forward before her older brother could yell anymore. "We can use Lucien to help us against Simon."

Klaus turned to the heretic. "Oh, good. You're suggesting that we team up with the person who started this all in the first place," he snapped at her.

"Let me go," Elijah stepped in before Juliette could do or say anything else.

"I moved her," Klaus stopped his brother. "Don't look so surprised. I never did like you two sharing secrets."

"Tell me where she is," Elijah declared. "Unless you expect me to stay here and leave our sister entirely defenseless?"

"I expect you to prevent Kol from suffering the same loss that I did," the hybrid snapped before softening his tone. "Simon deserves our collective ire. Today, all grievances are tabled," and then he marched away.

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