V. The Axeman's Letter

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1002 A.D.

Juliette sat underneath a ginormous tree full of branches and leaves so green. Juliette watched with a smile as her two brothers, Klaus and Elijah, hung out a few feet away from her. Rebekah and Aurora were sitting together while the latter braided the blonde's hair.

Juliette felt another presence sit down next to her. She smiled widely when Lucien pulled her face to his. He kissed her passionately while they ignored the staring of her siblings and Aurora. Juliette reached her hand up and laid it over Lucien's.

The two stayed out all day long, resting against the tree. The new lovers leaned upon the tree while Lucien stared adoringly at Juliette, who was currently painting the tree.

"You're staring," the Mikaelson pointed out without looking up from her painting.

Lucien smiled at her. "I'm not staring. I'm admiring your beauty."

Juliette put aside her canvas carefully as if to not ruin it. She turned around fully to face the man next to her. She sat on her legs and leaned foreword. "I don't know about that."

Lucien looked shocked at the words that came from her mouth. He grasped one of her cheeks and made her look him in the eyes. "You are absolutely stunning, my darling," he firmly stated and then leaned over to press a light kiss to her lips.

Present Day

Juliette strolled through the French Quarter in search of Cami when she spotted Lucien. The two hadn't spoken since Juliette left his penthouse. He was looking at a little booth that was selling jewelry when she ambled over to him.

"No texts. No calls. I do really hate to be one of those clingy girls but we haven't spoken in awhile," she stopped when Lucien was on her right side. She didn't glance over at him, instead she turned her eyes to the items at the booth they were stood at.

Lucien let out a low chuckle and focused his attention on the Mikaelson hybrid next to him. "Well, I have actually been working but I doubt that excuse is good enough for you, love," Juliette smiled and looked behind her and saw Cami and Vincent a few feet away and were staring at her and Lucien.

"You would be correct," Juliette said to him after turning away from the prying eyes of the human and witch. She moved her body to face him fully and peered up into his eyes.

"I'll make it up you," Lucien locked his eyes with hers. Juliette felt a little bad sneaking around behind her family's backs but she felt that she deserved to be happy. "I have to go but I will call you."

Juliette knew he was telling her the truth and nodded her head. She felt Lucien grab one of her hands and squeezed it reassuringly. Her whole body tingled from his contact and she couldn't help but feel sad as he let go and walked away.

Juliette trudged away but was grabbed suddenly and sped to a fancy apartment. Juliette grew furious as to who took her and when she turned around, her blood boiled.

"You just can't seem to take a hint," Juliette emphasized as she suddenly felt dizzy.

Simon de Martel shook his head with a light laugh. "Even after a thousand years, you haven't changed."

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