XLVI. There in the Disappearing Light

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As Klaus was helping both his daughter, Hope, and his niece, Kennedy, with the dark magic, Lucien and Marcel headed to the hideout for the vampires that the latter had found

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As Klaus was helping both his daughter, Hope, and his niece, Kennedy, with the dark magic, Lucien and Marcel headed to the hideout for the vampires that the latter had found. Lucien stood back as the Gerard vampire opened the sliding door that had been previously painted but was now chipped all over from the wear and tear.

Lucien and Marcel headed further into the abandoned building. Vampires attacked the two upgraded vampires from behind which resulted in the two friends to fight them back. Marcel kicked the first one that attacked him whereas Lucien snapped the neck of his attacker.

The two upgraded originals were the strongest but they were outnumbered and didn't have a chance of getting out of there any time soon. Multiple vampires surrounded both Lucien and Marcel but they both took them out and when the vampires were unconscious around them they sighed in relief. The relief they felt didn't last as they hunched over from a spell. Lucien held his head as Marcel yelled out and watched as a witch on the vampires side walked over to them with a glare.

"The great Marcel Gerard and Lucien Castle," Emmett approached the witch and stood in front of the two upgraded originals kneeling on the flooring. "We've been waiting for you two," they both grunted and the witch snapped his wrist making Lucien and Marcel fall unconscious, temporarily dead.

When they both awoke, they realized they were tied to chairs with chains around them as well as a mask over their faces. They both tried to break the chains to get free but Emmett called out to them, "Don't bother. They're enchanted. You do see the irony here? Years ago, had someone threatened you, there would have been a legion of vampires searching to find and save you, but you forsook us, threw in your lot with the Mikaelsons," he looked at Lucien briefly. "You even married one but no one is coming because no one cares. You're both on your own."

Emmett leaned over to speak to Marcel, tinkering with the mask over his face. "Would you believe it if I told you you were the reason I came to New Orleans? I'd been hearing the stories for years, how the wolves and witches lived under the thumb of a true king. How the vampires lived by a code of honor, loyalty to your own kind or else. What a disappointment you turned out to be."

He turned his attention to Lucien. "You're just as much a disappointment as Marcel. You came to New Orleans to get revenge on the Mikaelson family and now look at you. You gave up because of Juliette Mikaelson," Lucien yanked on his chains at the mention of his wife but Emmett only chuckled darkly at his struggle.

Lucien glared at Emmett's back as he left Marcel's side. "Being a vampire wasn't enough for either of you. Thought you could be better, so you turned yourselves into abominations. Well, at least your venom can helps us where you've failed."

The two chained up vampires struggled as they felt their venom being extracted from them. Lucien grunted as he felt the machine over his face take his venom.

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