X. A Ghost Along the Mississippi

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Freya and Juliette stood next to each other in the courtyard of their home. Sadness and hurt filled their minds.

"Freya?" Elijah asked walking in with Vincent. "Juliette? What's happening?"

Freya took a shaky breath and answered Elijah while Juliette was unable to form any words. "Some compelled tourist. He left this."

Elijah walked over to the cardboard box and lifted it open making the two sisters look away. "Who?"

"Jackson," Juliette mumbled after finally being able to speak. "Courtesy of the Strix," Juliette whispered while Freya handed Elijah a piece of paper that was a note from Tristan.

"So, unless we meet their demands, Hayley will be next," Elijah realized and a coldness struck Juliette and she knew she would do anything to bring Hayley home.


"Three original vampires and two powerful witches against an army of miscreants," Klaus walked into his study. "I'm rather looking foreword to it."

"Keep in mind that I'm a mortal," Vincent reminded. "As much as I want these guys out of my city, I like breathing. So let me go to the covens. I can propose an alliance. They hate you guys, but if I explain what's going on—,"

"There's no time," Elijah cut off the witch.

"There never is," Freya mumbled. "But before we rush into battle, let's keep in mind that Tristan and Simon may be the very foe that leads you to your doom. Isn't this exactly what the prophecy foretold? Rebekah is on the run. I will not lose the three of you as well."

Elijah sat down. "Rebekah is safe," he said while Juliette stared at him curiously. "Brother, perhaps you should stay."

"And what kind of father would I be if I didn't fight for the mother of my child?" He asked, walking forward. "No, I have no intention of being outmaneuvered by Tristan and Simon de Martel, of all people."

"Then, sister you should stay," Elijah looked to his younger sister.

"Yes, you can babysit my therapist," Klaus smirked.

"If you think for one second that I am going to stay here while you all go save my best friend, then you're sadly mistaken," was Juliette's rebuttal.

"Intention's got nothing to do with it. As long as the de Martels has the the serratura, and your baby's momma, the advantage is all theirs," Vincent interrupted.

"Well, then we should take that advantage from him," Freya voiced her plan. "I'm going to need something that belonged to his sister."


Juliette and Freya along with Vincent stood in the bell tower. "You think this is gonna work?" Vincent asked Freya.

"I have no doubts," she answered the regent. Shen then turned to her sister. "You are strong and powerful witch, sister. I think I forget that sometimes. I can channel you, add your power to mine and we'll see."

"Kache l'nan san. Jen chèch je yo," the two Mikaelson sisters chanted after linking their hands.

They continued to chant their spell to keep up the glamor they put on Cami to disguise her as Aurora.


Juliette walked along side Elijah in the woods of the Bayou. Juliette felt so heartbroken for Hayley and for the Cresent pack. Juliette took Hayley's hand in hers and gave her a weak smile.

"It's time," Elijah told them. Juliette let go of Hayley's hand and watched the Marshall-Kenner woman grab Jackson's bow and arrow.

They walked over to the lake where Jackson's body was. Juliette lingered by Elijah, who held a torch on his hands to light up the darkness.

Hayley crouched down and set the bow and arrows down next to Jackson and then grabbed the bottle of alcohol that was next to her and took a quick sip before saturating Jackson, tears streaming down her eyes.

Juliette felt her eyes water and sensed the tears finally falling. She wasn't the best of friends with Jackson but she knew he was a really great man. He took care of Hayley and Hope and that made Juliette eternally grateful for the wolf.

Hayley got to her feet and took the torch from Elijah and lit Jackson's body on fire, giving him a proper Cresent funeral.

"Till death do us part," she whispered while the boat floated away.

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