IX. Savior

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Juliette rushed through the door of the courtyard after getting a phone call from Hayley saying that Freya was hurt.

"She got jumped. Three vampires, all dressed like yuppies," Jackson revealed to his wife, who had Hope in a stroller, and Juliette.

"The Strix," Hayley insisted and sat down on one side of Freya while Juliette sat on the other.

"Yeah, she needs blood," the Kenner wolf said and Juliette immediately pulled up her sleeve and bit into her wrist and shoved it into Freya's face. Freya gripped her sister's wrist as she slurped Juliette's blood to heal her injuries.

"You okay?" Hayley asked Jackson as Juliette continued to heal Freya. "Kinda hard to ignore it when someone needs your help, huh?"

Freya exhaled shakily after pulling away from Juliette's wrist. The Mikaelson hybrid pulled her wrist away and felt her wound heal itself. "They took it. The serratura," Freya panted, trying to catch her breath. "I was meeting with a witch from the bloodline who built the lock. I was hoping she could help me destroy it, but it's not possible. She said the only way to get rid of it is to use it. We have to get it back and lock something else away. Anything but our family," Freya revealed, looking to Juliette at the last part.

"Wait," Hayley piped up with an idea. "Why don't we pay Tristan a visit and ask him really, really nicely?"

Before the other three could respond, Elijah entered the courtyard. "I'm afraid we have a far more urgent problem."

Juliette and Hayley stood up from the couch as they watched Rebekah stroll into the room. "Well, to be fair, I am the prettiest urgent problem you have ever seen."


Juliette and Freya sat on either side of Rebekah, inspecting the wound on Rebekah's wrist. "Give me the bad news, Docs?"

Juliette sighed out loud before answering her younger sister. "Aya's stake was cursed."

"It infected you," Freya finished. "As this mark grows, you'll go mad."

"Left unchecked, you will become a relentless, unstoppable ripper," Juliette looked over to her sister.

"Aya always was thorough," Rebekah insisted.

"Strix always employ a safeguard. In the event that we were successful at retrieving your body, you were cursed," Elijah explained. "You see, if one is on a rampage, one is not difficult to hunt. Can you fix this?" He asked the two Mikaelsons that were witches.

Freya held up the stake and looked at the carvings. "The spell was carved here. I can reverse it, I just need some time, and a hell of a lot of magic," she stammered. Freya wouldn't allow Juliette to perform the spell as she was pregnant. Freya stood up but gasped and fell into Elijah's arms. Juliette and Hayley stood up in alarm.

Elijah set the passed out Mikaelson on the couch next to Rebekah. "She was fine. Juliette healed her," Jackson reminded them.

Elijah lifted Freya's hair away to show her neck. "The scratch is not healed. This is poison. This is an assassination attempt."

Freya fluttered her eye lids a few seconds and took in her surroundings. "She's waking up," Hayley said.

"You okay?" Elijah asked his older sister.

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