XXV. Keepers of the House

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"You're gone not even a day, sister," Klaus remarked as Juliette walked up to her brother with Lucien right beside her. Kennedy was in his arms, shivering.

"Yeah, well, getting attacked by witches wasn't on my itinerary," Juliette rushed into the compound.

"Our home. Once the pride of our family, now a flophouse," Klaus followed behind his sister and Lucien with his niece.

The house had been destroyed since they last seen their home. "Indeed, the mighty have fallen," Elijah agreed with his brother.

Hayley rushed into the courtyard next with Hope in her arms. "Where's Vincent?"

"Right here," the witch in question walked over to them. Hayley set Hope down next to Kennedy and resulted in the cousins holding onto each other for warmth. "Kept my word. Now the only question is whether or not you guys are gonna keep yours. As soon as I'm finished healing your kids, you got to leave the city."

"Well, we're not gonna stay, are we?" Klaus piped up at Vincent. "Your city has lost its charm."

"I agree with Nik over here," Lucien smirked at the Griffith witch. "Which doesn't happen often."

"What they mean to say is that we're very grateful, just....help them and we'll leave," Hayley pleaded with the witch.

"Just give us what we need, and we will do so, happily," Elijah told him.

"Excuse me," Vincent moved past Hayley and Juliette and to the two little girls. Vincent squatted down to their level and rubbed his palms together as crows were heard squawking in the compound. "Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun. Nettoyer timoun sa a," the Griffith witch chanted while clapping lightly.

Vincent stood up as Hope and Kennedy called out to their mothers. "Mom?" Hope asked.

"Mommy?" Kennedy called. The two best friends rushed to their daughter's sides. Juliette pulled Kennedy to her and felt the witch's arms wrap around her.

"Your little girls are purified," Vincent told the Mikaelson clan.

"Thank you," Klaus thanked Vincent.

"Now look, the only gratitude I need from any of you is seeing you leave the city," Vincent asserted them.

The girls got up and went to go hug their fathers but were stopped. Dead crows fell from the sky and landed on the ground of the courtyard around the two youngest Mikaelsons.

"What is this?" Klaus demanded to know.

"What is going on?" Lucien asked after the hybrid.

"I don't know," Vincent said.

"Mom? Can you hear that?" Hope asked Hayley. "It's whispers. Saying a name. Over and over."

"I hear it, too," Kennedy whispered which made Juliette lean down to her daughter's level.

"Kre Nah Han. Kre Nah Han," the cousins mumbled together.

"Vincent, what is this?" Juliette asked the witch.

"It's a nearly forgotten dialect. It's Creole. It means the Hollow," he revealed. "The Hollow is coming."

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