XLIII. Always and Forever

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Mississippi River, 300 years ago

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Mississippi River, 300 years ago

On a boat in the middle of the river, Juliette Mikaelson hid in the shadows as her younger sister spoke to the last living human that had entered the Mikaelsons boat. Her hair was pinned up in tight tendrils and her floor length, green gown swayed at her legs as she wiped the blood from her lips after drinking from one of the humans that entered the boat to inspect it.

"Hello," the blonde original greeted with a fake smile, wiping away a bit of blood from her plump lips delicately with a handkerchief. "Lovely to see such as handsome face after a long journey. Can I eat him, brother?"

"I'd rather you didn't," Elijah voiced to her.

"What about me then?" Juliette questioned her brother. "I'm still quite hungry," she walked out of the shadows. "My human did not satisfy my hunger," she pouted.

"I would advise against it, sister," Elijah advised and then smiled at the human. "There's no need to be afraid. You'll do exactly as I say. You'll remember nothing. We've had a very long journey, wherein which, unfortunately, we lost all of our crew. Therefore, I will ask you to kindly transport our belongings to the shore," Elijah compelled him.

"What kind of hell demons are you?" The human asked.

"We're vampires, darling," Rebekah informed him with a little grin. "The original vampires....Rebekah, Elijah, Juliette," the blonde introduced the three surrounding the human and then nodded to the two coffins containing the two daggered Mikaelson brothers. "Our brothers Kol and Finn, may they Rest In Peace."

"Are we saving the best for last?" Klaus called out to the three as he had yet to be introduced.

"And our half-brother Niklaus," Rebekah spoke and spun around to look up at their brother, who was above deck with a dead human in his grasp.

"Ignore him," Juliette told the human. "He's just being dramatic."

"He's a beast," Rebekah continued.

Klaus chuckled lightly and tossed his dead human down the stairs and the human landed with a thud at Rebekah's feet. "We fled Europe and survived the seas. Would you rather I arrive hungry on the shores of our new homeland?"

"Niklaus, your manners are, as always, without equal," Elijah eloquently spoke to his younger brother and then addressed the human. "Sir, would you be so good as to tell us where it is that we have landed?"

"The French Colony of Louisiana off the shores of a town they've named New Orleans."

"Thank you so much," Elijah thanked and went to walk away but turned back around. "Oh, I do recommend that you find yourself a little assistance for the luggage. My sincere apologies."

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