XXVII. Bag of Cobras

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"We were heading out, and now we're throwing a party, I see," Hayley walked into the compound and saw compelled humans decorating the place. She glanced up at Klaus, who was overseeing that everything was getting done the way he wanted.

He leaned up against the balcony of the second floor and looked down at the mother of his child. "One that will be attended by New Orleans' most influential creatures."

Hayley squinted her eyes and bluntly stated, "You do realize that everyone hates you."

"But they love Marcel, and as the invite states, he is the co-host. Tonight, we celebrate our truce."

"So, you're throwing a fake party in honor of a fake truce, and your guest of honor is in a dungeon," the Marshall woman summarized as she stood at the bottom of the stairs.

Klaus walked down the steps and met Hayley at the bottom. "Marcel's attendance would only complicate matters. Besides, I'll have my hands full weeding out those in league with the Hollow."

"Have fun with that," Hayley joked as Klaus walked past her to get a drink at the bar. "Hope and Kennedy are with Mary. I'm just looking for Juliette."

"What do you need of her?" Klaus asked with his back facing his former one night stand.

"Just a favor."

Hayley strutted into Rousseau's after Klaus told her that her best friend and Lucien were there.

"We Mikaelsons do know how to throw a party," Juliette told the man next to her the plan to find those who were working for the Hollow.

"I could never turn down free alcohol," Lucien smirked at his love, agreeing to go to the party. "Also, I'll have you by my side."

Juliette blushed at his flirty comment and felt heat on her cheeks. Lucien noticed this and smirked once again and grabbed her hand in his and leaned in to kiss her but their moment was interrupted.

Juliette noticed her best friend's presence and looked to the entrance of Rousseau's. "I need your help," she told the siphoner hybrid.

Lucien excused himself to go get more drinks while Hayley took his seat. "What is it?" Juliette asked the Marshall hybrid.

"I learned about the man who killed my parents," Hayley lowered her voice. "He was connected to the Hollow. I was just a baby when they were killed. I don't remember it, but I....I do know where they were killed. I was hoping, maybe, with your spells and your witchcraft," Hayley trailed off but Juliette knew what her best friend was asking her.

"You want me to do a reading. Hayley, violent death has a very specific energy. I could conjure it up wherever there is to see, but you might not like what you see," Juliette informed the brunette hybrid.

"I don't think I have a choice."

Juliette walked over to Lucien, who was still at the bar, as Hayley went to wait in Juliette's car. "Hey, I need to help Hayley with something. So, I'll meet up with you later in time for the party," she reassured him that she would be back in time for the party and that he should focus on helping her brothers find the Hollow's followers. She planted her lips on his cheek. "Love you."

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