XLIV. We Have Not Long to Love

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Note: Sorry this chapter took so long

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Note: Sorry this chapter took so long.

Juliette sat on the edge of her bed with her legs crossed. Her mind was on the events that happened when she first arrived back in New Orleans. The original vampire's eyes were on the television in front of her playing an old sitcom while she thought about her deceased friend and the fact that her daughter and niece took the power from her siblings.

Lucien sat down next to her, his eyes trained on the tv. "I don't know how to deal with the fact that she's no longer here and that our daughter and Hope are now housing the dark magic that kept my siblings apart for seven years. I don't know how to go about my pain without draining the entire city dry," Juliette spoke after a few moments of silence. "I feel like I'm going to go off the deep end and I don't want Kennedy or Hope to see that. They're going through enough right now with Hayley being gone and with the dark magic. I don't want-," Juliette trailed off with her shaky voice but Lucien held tightly onto her to reassure her that he was there for her.

"You're not alone in this, love," Lucien reminded his wife, wrapping his hand around Juliette's. "You have so many people around you to not let that happen. I would never let you go through this alone."

Juliette sighed, brushing her hair behind her ear while forcing her tears away. Lucien didn't say anything else as he held onto her to show the original vampire that he was there for her and that he always would be.


"The curse that plagued our family for seven years has taken its toll on all of us. On our city. On our home. On our family. The consequences of us being together were grave, but today, thanks to my daughter and niece," Klaus started talking as everyone was sat at the dinning table with enormous amounts of food laid out.

Lucien had left to go meet up with Marcel after receiving a text from him about the vampires that had sent a warning and how they should be in control of the Quarter. While Juliette joined her two present siblings, Klaus and Freya, as well as her daughter and niece for breakfast.

"We celebrate a new beginning. One in which we have the freedom to stand side by side. And whatever trials may come, we will face them together, as a family. Always and forever," the original hybrid lifted his glass. Everyone sat at the table took a sip of their drinks before Hope looked to her aunt.

"Would you please pass the beignets, Auntie J?" The young tribrid asked and Juliette happily obliged and handed the tray of beignets over to Freya as she was closer to Hope. The blonde witch smiled at her niece as she sat down the plate of beignets in front of her nieces. Both Hope and Kennedy helped themselves to the sweet treats.

"So, Rebekah will be back in a few days," Klaus mentioned as the two young witches ate their beignets. Kennedy perked up at hearing this as she was excited to see her Aunt Rebekah. "She's just tying up some loose ends overseas."

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