XVII. The Devil Comes Here and Sighs

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Juliette sat across from Lucien during the night after he called her. They sat at a gazebo that hung fairy lights all around it. Much to her better judgement, she agreed to hear him out without telling her siblings.

"Enjoying yourself, love?" He asked her as Juliette stared at the Italian food in front of her as the upgraded original knew it was her favorite cuisine besides human blood. She swirled her pasta around on her plate with her fork, waiting impatiently for Lucien to explain things to her.

Instead of telling her his plan to the woman seated in front of him, he gazed at her lovingly. "You look absolutely radiant, darling," he told her after a couple moments of silence.

"How about instead of flirting with me, you tell me why you called to meet?" Juliette snapped after he complimented her appearance. "Finn's dead. I'm not in the mood for chit chat, Lucien."

The Mikaelson siblings had found the oldest Mikaelson brother with a bite from an upgraded original vampire. It could only have been Lucien or Simon. Juliette wanted to believe that Lucien had nothing to do with her brother's death as she wanted to see the good in him. Juliette blamed herself for his death as she didn't put his soul into a witch's body when he asked her to. She knew that if she would've undone Davina's spell that Finn would still be alive.

Sure, they never got along even when they were human but Juliette didn't believe he deserved to be dead. She always felt indifferent about her oldest brother. Yes, he despised and loathed his siblings but to Juliette he was still family. Freya and Juliette convinced their other siblings to have a funeral for their departed brother. There they all promised to avenge their brother Finn.

"I simply desired an auspicious location for us to begin a new adventure," Lucien got out of his seat as he snapped Juliette out of her thoughts of Finn. "Perhaps, centuries from now, you and I will look back at this bucolic scene as the beginning of our next chapter."

Lucien pulled out a vial of the serum from his jacket pocket and held it up to her. "Blood of a Mikaelson witch imbued with dark magic. I wanted to make you this offer. My proposal is simple. Join me, Juliette and let us spend the rest of our immortal lives together. We can go to Italy together as I know it's you're favorite place to visit. In exchange you will have my undying love."

"If you think that I would drink that then you're sadly mistaken, Lucien," Juliette turned down the serum.

He walked over to her and squatted down to her level. "Think about it, Juliette. We could be epic together."

"Lucien, I have spent my entire life not liking who I was," the Mikaelson hybrid sighed. "My own parents thought I was an abomination and after awhile I started to believe it myself. I'm finally at a place where I am okay with being both a witch and a vampire. I don't want to go back to that feeling."


Juliette was in her bedroom feeling sorry for herself and listening in to her siblings conversations about killing Lucien. She knew the upgraded original wanted to kill her family but she couldn't find it in her to kill the man she loved.

Juliette's ears picked up on banging at the front door and quickly left her room to see Cami at the entrance  and met Hayley in the courtyard.

"What's wrong?" Hayley asked with worry coursing through Juliette and Hayley's veins.

"It's Klaus," the blonde bartender told them while panicking. "Lucien has him."

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