XXIX. Voodoo in My Blood

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Kennedy was in her room coloring when her parents walked inside. "How are you feeling, peaches?" Juliette sat down next to her daughter and brushed her fingers through Kennedy's hair to get the stray hairs out of the blonde witch's eyes. Lucien hovered next to the bed and leaned against the bed side table.

Kennedy dropped her crayon on top of her coloring book when she heard whispers. "Mommy? Do you hear that? The whispers?"

Now concerned, Juliette and Lucien stared at their daughter. "What whispers?" The upgraded original asked.

"The ancestors," Kennedy moved her blue eyes to her mother. "They said that Aunt Hayley and Hope are connected to all of this. To the Hollow."

Juliette and Lucien locked eyes and knew that things were about to happen that they couldn't prevent. Juliette felt absolutely helpless and she felt like she wasn't doing enough to protect her family. She had been suppressing her witch side more and more. Her sister, Freya, was always the one the family turned to for witch things.

"They want Aunt Hayley to go to St. Anne's Church to talk to them," Kennedy finished making the whispers stop in her head.


Juliette, Lucien, Hayley, and Klaus opened the squeaky door of the church and the two females noticed it was eerily calm and quiet. "It's quiet," Hayley commented.

"Of course it's quiet. It's a trap," Klaus growled out as the four of them sauntered further into the empty church.

"We don't know that," Hayley countered while Juliette rolled her eyes at their bantering.

"New Orleans witches have hated the Mikaelson family for three centuries. Of course it's a trap," Klaus snidely remarked.

"The coven protects their own," Juliette reminded her brother but hid the sadness in her voice. She never had a witch coven of her own. Even before she turned, she never had one. She tried finding one that would accept her but they always turned her away either because she was a hybrid that managed to keep her magic or the fact that she was a siphoner. "Hope and Kennedy are one of them now, brother. They are part of the legacy."

"Hope and Kennedy are a far cry from a French Quarter fortune teller," Klaus stared at his sister. "And while we're on the subject, they are seven and five. If anyone wants to talk to Hope, they should ask my permission."

Hayley crossed her arms and assured Juliette's brother, "You're gonna be a lot of fun when she starts dating."

Juliette couldn't help the little chuckle that escaped her lips. "I'm gonna be a perfect gentleman," Klaus countered and stepped closer to Hayley.

"Sure you are," Juliette mumbled under her breath but Klaus still heard her words. He didn't say anything back to her but ignored her comment and continued talking to the mother of his child. "And should any of her suitors fail to meet my expectations, I'll compel them to the priesthood."

Juliette looked over at Lucien. "Please tell me you're not going to be like him," she pointed to her brother.

Lucien scoffed at this and knew he would do the exact same thing. "No promises, love. But if someone does break our little girl's heart, I'll break them."

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