XL. God's Gonna Trouble the Water

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Kennedy awoke with a gasp in her bed after having a horrible dream that felt extremely real to her. Juliette sat at her daughter's vanity while she waited for the young witch to wake up. Juliette had dried her tear tracks on her cheeks and more tears were threatening to spill.

Kennedy locked eyes with Juliette and the thirteen year old felt tears come to her eyes. "Mom," she mumbled with a sigh of relief that her mother was alive. She scrambled out of her bed as Juliette stood up from the chair she was resting on. The mother and daughter met in the middle and embraced. "I had a bad dream about you and Aunt Hayley," the blonde witch pulled away slightly but still held onto her mother. Juliette squeezed tightly and felt a tear fall but quickly wiped it away.

Juliette ran her hands over her daughter's cheeks. "Hey, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

"Where's Aunt Hayley?" Kennedy mumbled knowing there was something Juliette wasn't telling her. Juliette didn't answer right away but the sadness in her eyes confirmed it for Kennedy. "She's gone, isn't she?"

Juliette emotionally nodded her head. "She sacrificed herself to save us."

Kennedy finally let her tears go and pulled Juliette back into her arms. The lights in her dorm room flickered as she mourned the loss of her aunt. Juliette's heart broke at hearing her daughter cry and turned her eyes to Kennedy's bedside table where a picture sat. The picture contained both Juliette and Hayley with their daughters. All four of them had smiles on their faces and after a moment Juliette had to turn her eyes away from it.


Juliette had left Freya to wait for Kennedy and Hope at the dorms. The original had to get some fresh air and so she opened the front door to the Salvatore school and almost collapsed from her grief. Not only was she dealing with the fact that she could not longer do magic, she was dealing with the loss of her best friend.

She was trying to keep a brave face for her daughter and niece but it was taking too much out of her. She sat down on the concrete steps and sat there, letting the light breeze dry her wet cheeks.

She didn't know what to do. She may not have known Hayley for her whole life but the Marshall woman became her family. She wasn't good with loss and she felt as if she might snap in half.


Lucien and Marcel had just found out what Klaus did to Antoinette and both upgraded originals followed after the hybrid. "What are you doing?" Marcel demanded to know. "This is exactly what you wanted. You can get your brother back," Marcel and Lucien raced down the stairs and into the courtyard.

Klaus had just spoken to Elijah over the phone because he had taken drastic measures to get Elijah and Antoinette out of the city for Hayley's funeral. He had bitten Antoinette and she was going to die. Elijah had pleaded with the hybrid to heal her and in return he said he would bring his memories back but Klaus rejected the offer.

"Come on, Nik. Think this through," Lucien begged his old friend. "I enjoy drastic measures as much as the next guy but even I know this is wrong."

"My brother's dead to me," Klaus commented, still storming to the front door to leave the compound.

"Oh come on. You say that, but you don't mean that," Marcel tried after Lucien's failed attempt.

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