XXIII. No Quarter

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The Mikaelsons were now awake after their five year slumber. Their next mission was to rescue Klaus from Marcel. It was the next day and the sunlight was beaming brightly. The Mikaelsons, Hayley, and Lucien had hijacked a prison bus to gather their strength to save Klaus.

Juliette tossed her dead prisoner to the ground after draining him dry of blood as Kol chased his meal into the woods who was screaming loudly.

"Good Lord, that one has some lungs on him," Rebekah referred to the screaming prisoner.

"He should've been an opera singer," Juliette joked as Lucien moved to his beloved's side.

"Might've ended better for him," Lucien smirked as the screaming continued.

The oldest Mikaelson walked over to her siblings and Lucien where dead bodies were spread out on the ground. "Is all this absolutely necessary?"

"That depends. Do you want us at our full strength, or do you plan on rescuing Nik on your own?" Rebekah asked.

"Well, death rattles are distracting, and I'm trying to break a cloaking spell," Freya reminded the youngest Mikaelson. "It would be a lot faster if you helped me, sister," the blonde witch looked expectantly to Juliette.

"Kol!" Elijah yelled still on the ground and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the blood off his mouth. "Would you please?"

Kol listened to his brother and killed the human. "Thank you," Elijah dabbed his chin.

"About time," Juliette mumbled as she sensed Lucien grab her hand in his. He felt that she could disappear at any moment and wanted to keep her close to him. "You were saying, sister?"

"I can sense Klaus is still in New Orleans. Most likely somewhere underground," Freya continued while Kol rejoined his siblings.

Juliette waved her finger at his chin. "You got a little something on your chin," she smiled, referring to the blood dripping down his chin and onto his gray shirt.

"You still manage to make jokes at the worst times, sister," Kol reminded her but she couldn't respond as Freya continued talking.

"I can't get a read on exactly where, unless I'm in the city itself."

Hayley marched over to the group. "Yeah. That's gonna be a problem Lucien and I have contacts in New Orleans. As you can imagine, the place is crawling with vampires."

"All of whom hate all of us," Lucien finished.

"Whatever we do, we need to do it fast," Hayley said.

"Well, I wasn't planning on a pub crawl," Freya crossed her arms as they discussed what their plan should be. "I don't want to stay any longer than we have to but we need to go."

Kol quickly interrupted the conversation as he didn't agree with the oldest sibling. "Whoa. Whoa, wait, we're not doing this today?"

"Hasn't Nik suffered enough?" Rebekah asked with her hands on her hips.

"Rebekah's right. Nik sacrificed himself for us and now we need to go save him from Marcel," Juliette agreed with her younger sister.

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