XXXVII. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

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Warning: Juliette goes a little crazy in this one

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Warning: Juliette goes a little crazy in this one

Juliette had teamed up with Klaus to threaten the factions for Hayley going missing. The two wouldn't admit it out loud but the pair of siblings loved when they worked together. Klaus had approached his younger sister at the compound and asked her if she would like to join him in his quest, she gladly obliged.

"So, what exactly are you implying?" Vincent asked the two originals. Juliette and Klaus were talking to the witches, who were decorating their float for Marci Gras, to see if they had anything to do with Hayley being kidnapped.

"Hope and Kennedy hid Hayley with a cloaking spell. Someone found her. That requires a witch," Klaus explained.

"So, that means it was one of mine?" The witch asked.

Juliette stepped foreword. "That's exactly what we mean," she held a glare as she spoke to the witch. Both Juliette and Vincent were never that close and because of that the original heretic wasn't against threatening him.

"I don't think so," Vincent told them.

"You witches always plead virtue but if history's to be prologue, you're the most rotten of the bunch," Klaus groused while Juliette crossed her arms over her chest.

"As soon as Freya told me that Hayley had gone missing, there were a dozen of us witches out there on them streets performing locator spells, trying to find her. Because Hayley is actually a friend to us, okay? Hayley, unlike you both, has earned our respect. And out of respect to her, I'm only gonna say this to you two one time, Juliette, Klaus: we had absolutely nothing to do with her disappearance. I promise you that," Vincent ranted to the two siblings as Juliette fought the urge to roll her eyes. She was a friend to the witches the past seven years. She kept peace with them but as soon as Hayley went missing, Juliette grew furious.

"A witch's promise is as slippery as snake oil and as effective," Klaus voiced Juliette's thoughts. "You want peace and prosperity? Prove your innocence," Klaus shouted the last part.

"And you better find her," Juliette added and then both her and Klaus left to go to the Bayou.

"Why would the werewolves take down their own alpha?" Lisina asked after the Mikaelson brother and sister arrived at the woods.

"That's a valid question. Perhaps one of your fellow swamp mates can shed some light," Klaus pondered.

"We are the victims here," the werewolf standing next to Lisina said. "A bloodsucker killed Henry just for being a hybrid."

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