XXI. The Bloody Crown

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Juliette left Lucien alone with Kennedy and wandered into a room with Freya and Kol.

"Something isn't right," the oldest one of the three spoke.

"Well, you said you put the prophecy to rest. So what's the worry?" Kol asked the witch.

"I didn't sleep last night," Freya admitted. "I just had this feeling of dread. I don't know if it's my own guilt, or maybe it's my intuition telling me something's coming."

"And what's this?" Kol asked while walking forward. "Your early warning system?"

Juliette walked over to see what her brother and sister were looking at. "This map is spelled to trace Niklaus's enemies. Let's just hope I'm being paranoid."

"You really are a Mikaelson," Juliette joked despite the seriousness going on. "You got the paranoia down."

Freya only jokingly glared at her sister before taking Juliette's hand to channel her. Freya started chanting and after a few moments, Juliette joined in.

The drops of blood on the map began moving toward New Orleans. "I guess you're not being paranoid," Kol realized after the two sisters stopped their spell. "When there is, in fact, a horde of killers out to get you."


Juliette heard crashing and met up with her three brothers only to see hordes of vampires entering the compound. They all circled around the Mikaelsons which greatly confused Juliette because the deed was in Freya's name.

A coldness ran through Juliette as she heard the voice of Marcel. "I never thought it would come to this," the Gerard vampire marched into the room with more vampires behind him. "But, as always, the Mikaelsons made my choice for me."

"Marcel," Klaus breathed out. "How?"

"How are we in your home?" Marcel asked while circling the four originals. "I have friends who can nullify a deed, foreclose on a property, like that," he snapped his fingers. "Or did you mean, how am I not a rotting corpse?"

"I thought my friend was dead, and yet here you are. So send these fools away, and let's talk," Klaus walked closer to Marcel. "You and me."

"Is that relief I hear? Really? If I hadn't been one step ahead of you, I would be at the bottom of the river."

"Marcel, your anger is with me," Elijah objected and walked over to Klaus and Marcel. "I am the one that's responsible for this crime against you."

"One thing I learned sticking around this family, Elijah, you take on one of you, you are taking on all of you. These guys, Klaus's sirelings, they're here to bear witness today."

"Are you planning to put on a little show, Marcellus?" Kol shouted.

"Yeah, 'cause the whole acting bad thing doesn't look good on you," Juliette taunted and walked over with Kol.

"Damn straight I am," Marcel sneered and then spun around to face all of the vampires in the compound. "The fall of the Mikaelsons. And guess what? The show has already started."


"I know you're hurt. I loved Davina, too," Kol tried to persuade Marcel to stop all this. "And it would break her heart to see you like this."

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