XLII. Bring It On

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Late at night, Hayley Marshall exited a gas station and was checking her surroundings. Walking around several semi trucks, Hayley's head spun around with caution after hearing metal clang. Just as the werewolf turned around, a vampire sped toward her and pinned her against one of the semi trucks. Hayley coughed as she struggled to breath. The vampire threw her to the ground and growled at her, ready to attack her once more.

Another figure approached and ripped the vampire off of Hayley. Juliette Mikaelson smirked viciously at the vampire that tried to kill Hayley. "I guess your mother never taught you how to treat a lady," Juliette felt her veins protrude under her eyes and then she sank her teeth into his neck. After that she mumbled a spell under her breath and grinned after she tossed him to the ground.

"Well, that was fun," Juliette muttered after dumping the vampire's body onto the ground behind her and Hayley.

"Who the hell are you?" Hayley asked. "I called Klaus for help."

"Oh, right, well, he told me to come instead and bring you back to Mystic Falls," the original heretic informed the werewolf. "And considering I just saved your ass from being killed, you should thank me."

"Thanks," Hayley mumbled, not wanting to anger her savior more.

Hayley remained quiet afterwards and she stumbled to her feet. "Now, let's get the introductions out of the way. I'm Juliette Mikaelson. Your new best friend."

Hayley didn't want to hurt her savior's feeling considering Juliette could kill her instantly but she wasn't the best with girl friends. "Yeah, I don't really need a best friend."

"Well too bad. You're stuck with me," Juliette grinned and then saw that Hayley was staring at the dead vampire on the ground.

"Oh, don't worry about him, darling. I hexed him. He won't live through tomorrow night," Juliette smiled, feeling proud of herself.

"What if there are more?" Hayley asked the original heretic.

"Well, you did make a deal with a bitch named Katherine. You'll be lucky if she lets you live which is highly unlikely," Juliette shrugged her shoulders.

"You're brother said he would protect me," Hayley walked past Juliette, hitting the original's shoulder in the process. Juliette tried to remain calm after that and not lash out at the werewolf.

"And I promise you that he and I will," Juliette told her. "As soon as you tell me everything you know about Katherine Pierce."


Juliette opened the door to see Damon Salvatore standing in front of her after she had arrived home. "Ah, Damon," she sighed with a fake smile. "What an unpleasant surprise."

"Hello to you too, Julie," Damon walked past her and into the house.

"That's not my name," she mumbled as she shut the door.

"So, I just came up with a list called things your brother sucks at," Damon pulled out a sheet of paper. He held up one finger and then two fingers to help make his point. "Number one: finding Katherine, ever. Number two: covering up his secret phone conversations to that little backstabber Hayley."

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